chapter 6

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The next morning the scene shows of YN Hakon on their direhorse's heading to the Hallelujah Mountains where the ikrans or Banshees are at YN and Hakon can't not wait to get their ikrans

YN: man i can't wait for us to get out own ikrans Hakon

Hakon: yeah I mean Lawan got her own so now it's our turn

YN and Hakon continued following the Omatficaya clan and they arrived to the Hallelujah Mountains it was a long way up climb

Hakon: that's a long way up climb

YN: yeah but it's a problem for us Hakon since we climb to the top of the hometree

Jake voice: learning to ride a ikran we call them banshees is the test every young hunter has to pass but to do that you gotta go where the banshees are oo-rah

YN Hakon and Jake followed the Na'vi by climbing up the floating Mountain it was really really high as YN and Hakon continued following them they had no problem climbing up since it was easy to them of climbing up high places and YN saw how nice the view was

YN: hahaha oh Hakon it's really a nice view up here

Hakon: yeah oh I feel wind up YN

YN and Hakon continued following Tsu'Tey along with Jake and other Na'vi they was running on a giant vine it was really fun then YN stop as he saw the fisheye

YN: hey Hakon I can see the fisheye from here

Hakon: oh yeah it's really tiny up here

YN grabbed his radio and he contacted Lawan

YN: Lawan you there

Lawan: (Radio) loud and clear YN what's up

YN: you're gonna believe where me and Hakon are at

Lawan: (Radio) where are you guys right now

YN: hahaha we're at the Hallelujah Mountains getting our own ikrans

Lawan: (Radio) no fucking way really

YN: yeah I'm serious we can see the fisheye from here

Lawan: (Radio) I'm on my way

YN: see you soon Lawan

YN and Hakon continued following Tsu'Tey and they sees a lot of ikran or banshees flying in the sky and they were really excited to see them then he sees Neytiri on her ikran and her and YN looks at each other

YN in Na'vi: i see you Neytiri

Neytiri in Na'vi: I see you YN

Tsu'Tey: Jakesully will go first

Hakon: makes sense

YN and Hakon followed Neytiri and Jake as they carefully go across making sure not to fall as YN sees multiple ikran

Neytiri: now you choose your ikran this you must feel inside if he also chooses you move quick like I showed you will have one chance Jake

Jake: how will I know if he chooses me

Neytiri: he will try to kill you

Jake: outstanding

Jake starts walking slowly with a rope in his hand the ikran some fly away and they hiss at him then one ikran hiss and roar at Jake as Jake hiss and the ikran hiss back meaning this one chooses Jake

Jake: let's dance

Jake swing the rope in circles

Tsu'Tey in Na'vi: that moron's going to die

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