Chapter 1

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"HELP ME PLS!!" Darren screams at 10:27 pm. Everyone dashes downstairs to Darren. "Darren your perfectly fine whats wrong?" Oli said confused. "Nah I'm not I can't find the controllers." Darren obvi says.😒 "Aw come on man don't do that!!!" Everyone argues. "Okay back upstairs everyone." Oli yells. "Including you Darren." "Aw man☹️" Darren whines.



It's 3:47 am. Everyone's asleep except... Regie!😄 Mans just laying there thinking..


What do I do? I wonder. I never had a weird feeling around Oliver until now. It's not like a weird feeling, it feels like.. hmm idk? What is this feeling?

Back to nobody😆-

He has been moving around and trying to find a good position to sleep but he couldn't. Which made Oli wake up.(go back to sleep bby😡) "reg... it's late. go to sleep.." Oli said. "Okay... but can we cuddle?" Regie asked. "Whatever sure." Oli replied. SO, Regie kinda spooned Oliver with his head on Oli's shoulder. He somehow knew Oli was comfortable with it BC he(Oli) let out a tiny moan😧. "Oli why did you make that noise?" "Uhm.." "it's okay bby(HUH🤭)just go to sleep." "regie !" "I'm just teasing you Oli!"(he wasn't🤫) "oh okay gn reg" "gn love." Oli looks at Regie with shock. "Just kidding😃" yea sure😏 Oliver when to sleep blushing that night☺️

imagine it..... |olegie|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang