Peni let out a yawn, rubbing her eyes with one hand while holding a cup of coffee in the other. "Ugh, I need more coffee. Someone, please."

Gwen's eyebrows shot up in amusement as she picked up a coffee pot and poured a dark liquid into Peni's cup.

As Miles settled in, he noticed Gwen exchanging a secretive glance with him. She leaned in and whispered, "It's not really coffee, just chocolate. Peni's too tired to notice."

Peni overheard their whispered exchange but was too fatigued to react. She gave a resigned shrug and took another sip of her "coffee," the corners of her mouth lifting slightly.

With Peni momentarily pacified, Gwen moved to the heart of the matter. She reached for a nearby case, unveiling a strange piece of synthetic cloth. A plain bodysuit, made out of a futuristic gray substance. Miles' eyes widened in confusion and curiosity, his gaze fixed on the enigmatic creation.

"What's that?" Miles asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gwen's eyes glinted with determination. "This, Miles, is the solution to your Spider Society problem."

Miles studied the suit for a moment before turning his gaze to Gwen. "I'm not sure I follow. What is it?"

Gwen's smile was both reassuring and mischievous. "It's a suit with limited shape-shifting capabilities. A 'morph-suit'. A hyper-realistic suit that can make you look and sound exactly like someone else. In this case, like me."

Miles blinked, his confusion deepening. "But... why would I need that?"

Gwen's expression softened as she explained. "Think about it, Miles. What better way to get into the Spider Society than becoming someone who's already a part of the Spider Society? Like i said, when you wear this suit, you'll look and sound exactly like me. Not only that, but the suit will modify your sensations to feel like your own skin. It's the perfect disguise."

Miles' brows furrowed, skepticism evident in his eyes. "I don't know, this feels like... cheating"

Gwen leaned in, her drowsy eyes meeting his with sincerity. "It's not cheating, Miles. It's about showing Miguel that you have what it takes and he can take his stupid prejudices up his a-"

"You sure this is a good idea? Aren't you afraid someone could steal it and pose as you?"

"Not at all! Through biometric and DNA recognition, only you can wear it."

"I don't know, Gwen..."

Peni's patience seemed to have reached its limit. She let out an exasperated sigh. "For crying out loud, just try the *bleep* suit already!"

Both Gwen and Miles stared at Peni in surprise, and then they burst into laughter. "And where did you learn to speak like that?" Miles managed to say between chuckles.

Penny's eyes fluttered, and she mumbled, "Sorry. Tired."

"You know what? Why not? I'll try it on," said Miles, as he took the suit and walked to the bathroom.

Gwen and Peni waited outside with a mix of anticipation and mild impatience. Peni fidgeted with her cup of "coffee", casting glances at the bathroom door. "Come on, how long does it take to put on a suit?" she muttered, her voice tinged with fatigue.

Gwen leaned against the wall, suppressing a yawn and trying her best to appear awake and alert. "You really turn into a little angry gremlin when you're sleep-deprived, huh?"

Peni shot Gwen a withering look but refrained from commenting. The dimly lit hallway right outside her workshop seemed to stretch on as they waited.

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