He scoffed and mumbled. "Hopefully they catch him soon."

"They already did, they just let him go. Wanna know why? Because it's totally Billy!" Jacqui quickly spoke. "He's been acting weirder lately, I didn't even think that was possible." She leaned in to lower her voice. "I heard him talking to Sidney in the hallway and he was all like, "Oh, I'm innocent. Why don't you let me touch you? Please just one blowjob! I miss my mom,"" Jacqui mocked. "I'd say Stu might be the killer but he's only acting weird because Billy is and they totally have something going on."

Randy furrowed his brows. "You think so?"

"Oh hell yeah," Jacqui nodded before grinning. "So, Billy and you were super close just then. Did you two kiss yet or what?" She joked.

He slightly glared up at her and laughed. "Shut up!"

"What if it's Sidney's dad?" Jacqui asked while Randy started counting down the register.

"I don't think Mr. Prescott would want to hurt his daughter more than she already has been." He said, Jacqui shrugged in a 'that's fair' manner.

Jacqui nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I don't think so either, but maybe he's been through so much he just snapped, like in Terror Train."

"How do you keep perfectly referencing movies you've never seen?" Randy asked, Jacqui just grinned before he continued. "I don't buy it. Maybe if he somehow killed Cotton but he wouldn't hurt Sidney, no way."

"Stu wanted some movies for tonight and you're the horror enthusiast, do your thing." Jacqui smiled, she thought it might make him feel better after today being so crazy.

He happily sighed, making his way over to the horror section and grabbing movies left and right.

Before Jacqui could ask him what movies he picked, the phone rang. She walked over to the part of the counter it was on and grabbed it, picking it up with a sigh. "Bradley Video, we're currently closed, call back tomorrow."


Jacqui was a bit taken aback by the urgency, especially since she wasn't even about to hang up. She put the phone back to her ear. "You good?" She tried not to chuckle.

"I just wanna talk, you look good right now."

"I know, thanks." Jacqui then paused and looked around skeptically. "You can see me?" She looked out the windows but didn't see a single soul.


"Nuh-uh," Jacqui scoffed with a laugh, glancing back at Randy, who was still picking out a movie. "You're full of shit, go to bed."

"You're feisty, Jacqueline, but we'll see if that changes when you feel my hand rip out your intestines."

Jacqui lightly raised her brows in shock, entertained. "That was weird." She commented and hung up, not realizing they somehow knew her name.

Before they could call back she casually set the phone to voicemail before walking to the door. She looked around and saw the only car outside was Randy's, so she shrugged it off.

"Who was it?" Randy asked, referring to the phone call.

Jacqui shrugged again. "I don't know, some weirdo excited to be in a horror situation."

Randy's eyes widened. "It was the killer wasn't it?"

"Eh," she shook her head. "I wouldn't stress about it. That guy sounded drunk and I doubt the killer is getting away with this without being sober."

Randy gave her a skeptical look. Watching movies was one thing, living them was another.

"Dude, relax, it's fine." Jacqui lightly chuckled. "Plus, if the killer was here you could sit back, I'd be doing all the saving."

Her comment made him lightly laugh. "You save me?"

"Yeah, I'm the badass here, you're the brains." She grinned. "Can we go to this party now? Because last I checked, being alone is way worse in this situation, you told me that yourself." She pointed out.

"I did, I did say that, very smart of me." He subtly and jokingly bragged. "Wait, lemme show you the movies I picked, I need the best critic's approval."

Jacqui smiled. "Let me guess, Jamie Lee?"


»»————- 🔪 ————-««

"Can we stop at my house? I wanna change." Jacqui asked just as she opened the door to Randy's car.

"Yeah, sure, but I thought you had another change of clothes in your bag," Randy replied, also opening his door.

"No, my backup shirt is in my backpack and I don't even like that . . ." she thought she heard a quiet sound. "Shirt." She looked around in confusion, not expecting to really see anything.

Jacqui turned back around but her eyes caught something white in the bushes. Squinting, she tried to focus harder but couldn't see anything.

With a shrug, she sat down in her seat. "Bro, why am I seeing shit?" She groaned. "I barely smoked anything."

"Maybe you didn't get enough sleep last night." He guessed.

"Probably. I didn't sleep until four."

"Me neither."

The two then casually high-fived without looking before he started the car.

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