Dear Annie

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An idea I came up with where Finnick writes letters to Annie while she's in the arena because he realizes he's in love with her.

Dear Annie,

I don't exactly see the point of this. Writing this letter and all. It seems sort of silly, but Mags has been distant lately so our talks have lessened and I've been finding practically no comfort in tying knots anymore. The knots remind me of you. Everything does.

You crept up on me, Annie Cresta. You promised you would. Of course, this wasn't exactly what I expected. Right before you left for the arena, during our final talk, you asked for one last bit of advice, and I just told you to try and stay alive for as long as possible. No one really thinks you can win, Annie. Not a mousey girl like you. But you smirked at me and said, "I have a way of creeping up on people, Odair."

You've certainly surprised us, Annie. The tributes are getting fewer and fewer and both of the District Four tributes are still left. I'm starting to get more sponsor gifts for you and that's always a good thing.

This is the most nervous I've been about a games since I was a tribute in the games. Normally, losing tributes doesn't bother me too much. Yeah, it sucks, a wasted life and all, but what else can I do?

But you, Annie Cresta, you crept up on me. Not in the way you crept up on everyone else though. At least I'd hope so because I am in love with you, Annie, and there's no way I can tell you unless you get out of that arena. So I have made it my duty to try harder than I ever had before to get you out of that arena. I love you, Annie Cresta, and you need to know it too.

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