Accidents (USWNT)

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"Okay. Yes, I'll let them know. Keep me updated."

Vlatko sighed as he hung up the phone. He had no idea how he was going to break this to the team.

The team sat in the conference room as they waited for the meeting to start

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The team sat in the conference room as they waited for the meeting to start. Sam Mewis, who sat next to Rose Lavelle, looked around, noticing they were missing someone. "Hey guys, where's Y/N?" Everyone stopped their conversations. Kelley spoke up. "She's probably running late. As usual. Kid can't keep track of time."

As the words left the defender's mouth, Vlatko walked in the room, looking sad. The girls immediately picked up on this. Alex spoke up. "Uh, Vlatko, you wouldn't happen to know where Y/N is do you?"

The look on the man's face told the story. "Y/N couldn't make it to this camp." The team looked at him in shock. "What do you mean she couldn't make it? It's all she was talking about." That was Christen Press. She had taken Y/N under her wing when she signed for Angel City. Her and Tobin became her adopted moms since her parents weren't present in the girl's life.

Vlatko cleared his throat. "Y/N is in the hospital. In a coma." It was so silent, a pin could drop. "What do you mean in a coma? I just talked to her yesterday morning!" Mal Pugh (aka Y/N's adopted sister) yelled. The man sighed.

"She was in a car accident."

To say the hospital workers were overwhelmed was an understatement

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

To say the hospital workers were overwhelmed was an understatement.

A couple of hours ago, there was a bad car accident, which led to the nurses finding out they had a USWNT superstar on their hands. Following that, hundreds of paparazzi swarmed the outside of the hospital. The stressed nurses had called almost every police department to come help. But the biggest cop couldn't stop the storm that was coming their way.

The nurse sitting at the front desk popped an aspirin as the doors slammed open. 22 angry, worried women stormed in, heading right towards her desk.

"Where is she!?" The woman's eyes went wide at the sight of an angry Christen Press. "Excuse me ma'am, please calm down, I'll have a doctor come talk to you shortly, Y/N is still getting moved."

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