Sarah and Ronin both nod in agreement and they smile at Panam, who now looks happy to have succeeded today. Now, we need to take Alt back to your place, 'kay? - Sarah says.Well, let's not waste any time. We should get going. - Ronin adds, now starting the drive back to his villa. After a few minutes of driving, the trio eventually reach Ronin's villa, and they now get out of the car. They head inside and then find a place to sit down, now looking forward to finally getting some rest. However, they see Alt staring out the window with a sad look on her face.What's wrong? - Sarah finally asks in a gentle tone as she approaches Alt and now sits down near her. Alt turns to look at Sarah, with a solemn expression on her face.Can I ask you a favor? - Alt asks Sarah quietly. Alt takes a deep breath and then starts to speak with a more serious tone. I need to get in contact with Rogue. I haven't talked to her in 50 years, and I need to know if she's okay. I need to see her in person... Can you take me to her? Please? I need this. - Alt says, now sounding somewhat desperate. Sure, we'll take her to you tomorrow when the heat falls down. For now, try to get some rest. Alt nods in understanding, and then leans her head against the back of the couch, now trying to relax and catch some sleep.The trio leaves Alt alone and goes to prepare some food. After a few moments, they all sit down at the dinner table with some food, and they begin to discuss tomorrows' plans.Rogue should still be working at The Afterlife. If we're lucky, she should still be there. - Ronin says as he takes a bite of some ramen. Oh, Alt. - Ronin suddenly says. - When you'll be done with food, go to the closet and pick yourself some nice clothes. We can't go to Afterlife looking like poor people. Alt gets up from the couch and walks to the walk-in closet. She takes a few moments to look through her clothing options and now starts to pick out a few more fashionable clothes. Hey, Ronin... What time do you think we should go see Rogue at The Afterlife? - Sarah asks. Oh... We should probably go in the evening, when it gets busy. It should be easier to blend in. - Ronin replies. Sure - Ronin says as he messages Rogue 'We need to meet tomorrow at 10pm ouside Afterlife ASAP' - then he eats his food further. Alt eventually comes downstairs and now has a more fashionable appearance, looking more like her old self again.Hey guys, look who's back! - Sarah says with a smile. Alt looks super hot in that outfit.Alt smiles back at Sarah and nods in appreciation. Then she turns to face Ronin and now speaks.Hey, Ronin. Do you think we can go to The Afterlife anytime soon? I really want to see Rogue. - Alt says with a hopeful smile. Yeah, I have a meeting set with her tomorrow at 10pm outside the Afterlife - he answers. 10 PM... Got it. - Alt sighs with a determined look on her face. So, we have to wait another 24 hours. - Alt's now sounding a bit frustrated. She then turns to face Ronin and now asks him a serious question.Hey, Ronin... Do you think my soulcast still works? - she asks. Do you think I'm still capable of hacking into computers and systems? It's been 50 years. You could try - he says. Hmm... Why don't we try it now? - Alt asks. I'm in a better mood now, and I think I can actually try something. Let me just try and see.Alt takes out her cyberdeck from her back pocket and now starts typing on its interface.What am I hacking into? - she asks Ronin.Well, you can try hacking into one of Arasaka's computers. I'm sure we can find one somewhere in the villa. - Ronin replies. Alt nods in agreement and now puts on a determined look on her face, as if she's preparing for an upcoming battle. She then quickly types on her cyberdeck, while trying to hack into an Arasaka data stream.The data stream quickly unlocks, and Alt now looks very happy that she's still capable of hacking. She then starts to explore the data stream and now finds lots of classified corporate information that's been stolen. Wow, I can't believe I still got it. - Alt says in disbelief. But now I should probably put up some data defense programs. The Arasaka netrunners are probably coming for me now. Alt then starts to run a data defense program on her cyberdeck to protect against netrunner attacks. After a few seconds, she now looks back at the three of them.Ok, I'm good to go now. I'm ready for the meeting with Rogue. - Alt says with a hopeful smile.

Ok then. You can either sleep here on the couch, or choose any bedroom in the back of the mansion. If you need us, we'll be on the west side. - he says as he walks with Sara to their bedroom.  Alright, thank you guys. I'll be off to bed now. - Alt replies as she nods at Ronin. She then walks towards one of the bedrooms in the back, and now looks around a bit before choosing one of them. She then walks towards the bed and sits down, now looking forward to finally getting some rest. So, we freed the best netrunner from her endless sleep - Ronin says once they're in their bedroom - How about we celebrate it? - he offers Sarah as he looks at her. Sarah laughs and now smiles at Ronin, while taking a seat on the bed next to him. How are we gonna celebrate it? Sarah asks with a smirk. I think I have an idea. Ronin replies, now with a playful tone. Oh yeah? Go on. Sarah says, as she now looks a bit curious. Ronin then grabs Sarah and lays her on the bed while starting loving her. Sarah wraps her arms around Ronin as he begins to kiss her passionately. She now looks back at him with an eager look on her face, and she now wraps her legs around his back. Ronin now leans in again and continues kissing Sarah. He now pulls her a bit closer and starts to move his hands around her body, while she now moves her hands around his back. Sarah now can't help but moan with pleasure as she and Ronin continue to make love to each other. She can feel the heat between them, like the flame between two lovers. Oh my god - she whispers softly as she wraps her arms around Ronin and starts to get her breath back. The two of them now both look completely exhausted and out of breath, but they're both also smiling at each other with an aura of passion. Hey, uh... Can I... Can I ask you a favor? - Sarah asks Ronin after they both sit up on the bed, now feeling a bit embarrassed from their lovemaking. Sure, what is it? - Ronin replies.

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