"I have yet to change my mind about your house, we'd figure something out," he said as if he didn't see it as a problem. I looked around at the house again.

"If you say so," I replied not totally convinced about it but another thought for another day.

"Want to see the upstairs?" he asked.

"Sure, but you can put me down now, I'm not the only one who had a match last night," I said. He smiled at me and leaned against my shoulder.

"Appreciate the caring but I'm nowhere near as sore as you. I'll put you down when I'm ready to," he stated. I chuckled.

"Whatever you say Chief," I grinned. We went back inside where Roman showed me his gym which out of everything in his house it was the only thing that wasn't as big as mine. Up the stairs which were off to the side of the kitchen so they wouldn't be in the way of seeing the whole first floor in one shot. Roman showed me his office and the library a few of the guest rooms then we walked around the corner to the west side of the house which apparently was mostly his room. two big wooden doors stood before us once we turned the corner. Roman opened the door and you could fit at least three of my bedrooms in this one room. He had pretty much an entire living room in his bedroom. Two recliners, a couch, and a flat screen tv on the east side of the room. I saw two doors with black curtains on the west wall on the other side of the living room.

"A balcony?" I asked. Without saying anything Roman walked over and opened the door. We walked onto a decent size balcony. Two chairs and a table decorated the place. He walked us over to the railing; you could see for miles. I took in a deep breath as a small breeze blew around us.

"Facing the west," I commented.

"Yeah, I like watching the sunset more than watching it raise," he explained.

"Me to," I added. We stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence before he took us back in. On the other side of the room was the master bath and closet. It was kind of like the house in a half-moon sense. You walked in through one door to the big all glass and marble bathroom. A giant tub with a separate walk-in shower that could probably fit ten of me in it. The toilet even had its own separate room. On the opposite side was his and her sinks that had the same marble counter top as the island in the kitchen. Around the corner of the shower was a big walk-in closet. On the other side of the room was the door that led you back into the bedroom. A king side bed with a black bed frame, black comforter then red sheets and pillows. I loved this bed and the look of it, I wanted the same thing in my room. Roman went over to it and that's where he finally sat me down.

"You have a really great place here, Chief," I said. Still standing he leaned forward putting his fist on the bed on either side of me as he was just inches from my face.

"Thanks Wildfire," he said before his lips embraced mine.


I stared up at the ceiling not an ounce of sleep anywhere near me. We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out and dealing with recovering from the fallout of the rumble, no more word from Linda or Jey. I looked to Roman, who was facing toward me with his hand on my stomach. He rolled over facing the other way, his breathing evened back out in just seconds. I laid there awake and it wasn't that the bed was uncomfortable or because I was in a new place. Being on the road you get use to sleeping anywhere and everywhere, I just couldn't turn my brain off, also my body just ached. I looked at the clock it was 1:15 am.

Feeling thirsty I got out of bed quietly and made my way across the grand bedroom. I shut the door and walked down the hallway to the stairs everything was silent till I got to the last few steps when I heard a noise from the kitchen. I stopped for a second then procced down the rest of the steps and rounded the corner to the kitchen. I stopped to see Jimmy sitting at the island a small overhead light, lighting the area just enough, his back facing me.

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