Chapter 2

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I peeked through the crack of the closet door. My mother was lying on top of my fathers struggling form as she drew her knife back she plunged it into his chest. I let out a small sob as she did it again and again. I Couldn't stand it any longer, I closed my eyes and I cried for days.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away. I had to get my mind off of this. I started thinking about Kaden. We were going on vacation in a week so I would tell him how I felt. Wait, would he feel the same? What if he doesn't ?

The bell rang and everybody packed up. It was last hour, I left to go find Kaden. I saw him by his truck, but he was with another girl. I stopped in my tracks. He looked up and he saw how devastated I was and started to walk towards me. I backed up a little, but he was quicker than I was. He wrapped me up in his warm muscular arms. I couldn't help but smile. I let out a laugh when he lifted me up and spun me around.

"How was your day?" Kaden said with a wide grin on his face.

", fine I guess," I said. I smiled at him and we hopped into his truck. When we got home he asked me to come to his room. I followed him up the stairs. When we got into his room we sat on his bed.

"So whats wrong? What happened in school today?" he said trying to comfort me.

"Well, I had another daydream. It was about my mom again." I said holding back the tears welling up in my eyes. One fell from my eye and soon I couldn't stop myself anymore. He took his thumbs and wiped the tears away.

"Come on don't cry. You don't look beautiful when you cry. When you cry, I cry. Dom't make me regret talking to you." he said trying to get me to stop.

Ever since that day I was never able to keep my head held high. My mother is in jail and my father is dead. I hugged him and he hugged me back. I've never felt this safe before. He actually cared about my feelings. He kissed my forehead before I went to my room.

"Night, see you in the Mornin' " I said.

"Night, get some beauty rest. I love you." he said. Sometimes we were like brother and sister.

"Love ya too," I said jokingly.

As soon as I crawled under my blankets I was asleep.

Dream/nightmare what ever you want to call it

I was in a corner trapped by my mothers crazy face on all sides. She had a knife in her hand and she smiled a wicked smile. I screamed and kicked, but nothing happened. Then the settings changed. It was me and my mother in the kitchen as she smacked me for no reason at all. I fell on rhe floor crying. And then she pulled my hair to make me stand up again. I screamed in pain when my father walked in. He looked at my mother with disapproving eyes.
"Why are you doing this to her?" my father said with a hint of pain in his voice.
"Because she is a no good spoiled brat. That's why." she said as she slurred her words.

Authors note
Hey guys I hope u liked this chapter sorry they're so short. I promise that they will get longer. Thanks for reading


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