New Friends

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We have 20 minutes until first period and newt has insisted that I meet his friends. "Y/n, this is Thomas, Teresa, and Minho. Every one this is y/n" "hi!" Thomas and Teresa say. Thomas is a brunette tall and handsome and Teresa is also a brunette and has bluish greenish eyes. Than Minho, is a tall Asian and has a sly grin on his face "Oh" Minho as he puts his arm around me "hello". Thomas and Teresa start cracking up as I awkwardly remove his hand from my shoulder. I look over at newt and he's not laughing his face is slightly red and he looks kind of angry. I giggle at that. Thomas and Teresa look over at newt and start laughing harder. "Ignore him" Teresa says in a cute accent pulling me away from the group. "Minho is insane, as for newt you will get used to him and Thomas," she pauses "is adorable" I gasp. "Are you too together" I ask. She rolls her eyes playfully "I wish, but you CAN NOT tell anyone" wow I feel like I've known Teresa for ever and I've literally known her for less than 2 minutes. I cross my heart. " won't tell a soul"
We all walk into Mrs. Brooks class room. I walk up to the front where mrs. Brooks sits. "Um, hi. My names y/n, I'm new here" she looks up. She has black curls falling over her shoulders and looks like she is in her late thirtys. "Oh hello! Sit where ever you want, I'll get your new books. I take a seat in between Teresa and newt. Thomas sits next to Teresa. Minho is in another class. Half way through class, which is math, my least favorite, I catch newt staring at me. I blush and look down. Teresa taps me on the arm vigorously."y/n!" She whispers loudly. "Y/n" she says quietly. " I think he likes you" she whispers nodding her head towards newt. I cup my hands and whisper into her ears "I hope so but I doubt it" she opens her eyes really really wide and starts smiling and giggling uncontrollably. Just than the bell rings I don't look at Teresa or newt I walk to my next class with Thomas and meet Minho on the way and don't see either of them until lunch.

As soon as Teresa sees me she starts running at me. I set down my lunch tray as she practically tackles me wile squealing. "Y/n, come with me!!!!!" She half yells pulling me into the empty hallway "you like newt!" "What" I say playing dumb. "You admitted it during math! You like him" she squealed."you can't tell anyone" I say as she does a little happy dance around the room. 'Teresa' I grab her shoulder "Teresa". "Y/n, relax. We're friends now. Besides, If you keep my secret about Thomas I'll keep yours" she says. I hug her. I can't believe I've made FRIENDS. Oh well. I continue to hug Teresa, these friends are different. We let go "come on" she says. We don't want to get anyone worried. We walk back to the table and I sit I between Teresa and newt like first period. Teresa gives me a wink and nods her head towards newt. "Oh hey girls" Thomas says. He is siting next to Teresa and I can see the wanting in her eyes. I look over at newt and he gives me a smile and I begin eating my mash potatoes, looking slightly disgusted. "Hey, just wondering what type of school did you go to before here" Minho asks. "Private" I say. "Oh, that explains a lot" looking down at the cafeteria food. "Is it obvious I'm disgusted?" I ask. Every one starts cracking up at my remark.
I Finnish up the rest of the day and ride home on the bus, and this morning, before anything, I never would have guessed, but I enjoyed it.

School with gladersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें