Wei Wuxian sighed saying, "Cheng! It's OK. I'm accepting my fate. You don't need to worry".

Cheng, "but.... Humph...Fine ". Cheng angrily went away from there.

Wei Wuxian glanced at Yanli who was already looking at Wei ying.

Wei Ying said cheerfully, "Shijie! Don't be sad now. You should go take some rest".

Yanli slightly nodded and then left. After Yanli left, Wei Ying's smile dropped. He started looking outside the window.


In Lan palace hall, Lan Qiren, Lan Xichen and few elders were gathered  they were talking about the marriage matter.

The lans have gotten scroll from Jiang clan....saying that 'Jiang clan is ready for marriage'. There was also a scroll on which Wei Ying's picture was painted.

Lan Xichen, who is the crown prince, dismissed the meeting. The Lan elders left. Lan Qiren also left for his chamber.

Xichen started going in the direction of jingshi (Lan Wangji's chamber).

Xichen knocked at the door on reaching jingshi.

After sometime, Wangji opened the door. Wangji understand from the presence that this is Xichen. Wangji greeted Xichen.

Xichen, "How are you Wangji?"

Wangji replied with an 'mn'.

Wangji told his brother to come in. Xichen and Wangji came inside the jingshi.

Xichen settled down near the table. Wangji was about to pour tea for Xichen but Xichen stopped him saying 'he can do it'.

Xichen took a sip from the tea and then said, "Wangji! The Jiang clan is ready for marriage"..

Wangji only nodded.

Xichen, "I hope this can be useful. Didi! I just want you to recover soon".

Wangji lowered his head.

Xichen described Wei Wuxian's features to Wangji. Wangji was quietly listening with a stoic face.

Xichen talked for a while with Wangji about sect matters and then left.


The Lan clan and Jiang clan held a meeting. In that meeting they talked about marriage stuff. The Lan clan refused from accepting dowry.

Jiang Fengmian agreed with this. Fengmian was sad but he didn't showed much emotions on his face. He was feeling guilty because he felt that he isn't able to give Wei Ying a happy life that he deserves. He had no other choice but to accept this proposal for Wei Wuxian.

Madam yu fought with Jiang Fengmian many times. She wasn't ready to give Cheng's hand in marriage for that blind second prince.

Madam yu was happy that finally she can get rid of that son of servant Wei Wuxian (according to her) .

The marriage was fixed after two weeks. Fengmian wanted to object on this but Qiren left him no choice. Fengmian had to agree on this.


Wei Wuxian was sad. He has to leave yunmeng after two weeks. He was also sad because he heard some Jiang disciples talking bad behind his back. They were making fun of Wei ying that 'he's going to marry s blind person.... How pathetic'.


Time skip : wedding day :

Wei Ying was getting ready. He was looking so beautiful in red robes. Yanli was setting hairpins in Wei Ying's long silky hair.

Forced Marriage With Blind Prince (wangxian, Omega Verse) :Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat