Oliver wood - asking you on your first date :)

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You and oliver where friends of friends. You saw eachother every now and then at hangouts and group projects. but you two ever seemed to have a desire to hang out with eachothe alone. But this was pobibly because of the fact that you had a small crush on the boy. you never told anyone, as you knew that if you did the whole school would know within seconds, so you just kept it to yourself. 

Today was one of the most important quiddich matches of the year. it was Gryffindore agaist Ravenclaw. This match would determine which team would have to go up against Slytherin in this seasons final, so it really was a big deal. 

you and your friends where saying good luck to your friends who were on one of the teams. 

"good luck Alex," you say giving your Gryffindore buddy a hug. 

"thanks Y/N, its no like i need it though"

"of course not," you chuckle punching his arm 

While walking away, you feel eyes on you. With a side glance, you see olive looking at you intesly. 

'thats strange' you ponder to yourself. Hoping it was nothing. 

You sit down in the stands and the game begins. it was a intense, nail biting game. You might be thinkig to yourself 'its quidditch, it cant be that bad' but trust me, you wouldt belive how anticipating it was. Gryffindore was loosing, by a LOT. Most of the people around you were conviced that there was no point in staying. That was until Gryffindores seeker caught the snitch! The stands erupt with cheers, everyone is celebrating, you too of course. You wee talking with your friends, when you feel the same pair of eyes on you. You look up, trying to find the person who seemed to make you feel like such, but you couldnt see any one.

"Y/N, are you ready to go, we have a party to get ready" you hear your friend amy say. 

"yeah sure im coming" you say, watching the Ravenclaw players fly over top of you. 

The quidditch after partys worked as sutch, there was a normal party, wich was a part where all over 14s were invited too, from all houses. There was also an after party quiddich party, wich the winning team hosts. These are highly exclusive, as the only way to get in is to be invited by one of the quiddich players themselves. you and your friends where of course invited as you knew many people on the team. The only rule was that you had to where the winnings teams colour, or white as neurtral. The wereing white rule was put in place beacause some Slytherins refused to where red to the party. You also perfered to where wite, as it was the nicest dress you had. And to be honest, you also wanted to impress Oliver. 

You and your 3 girlfriends were getting ready in your dorm, doing the ususal, gossiping, doing each others makeup, and the obvi, talking about boys. 

"Y/N, i still dont believe you dont have a crush, there has to be someone you have your eye on!" jess says. 

"nope. And if i did like someone, you and your blabber mouth would be the last to know" you exclaim. 

"Rude!" she souts back. 

"im stull hung up on jamie" your friend Mia says

"yuck, that stinking Slytherin can eat sh1t after what he did to you" your other firend ciara says. 

"yeah, how did you and him end up becoming a thing any way" you ask 

Mia sighs changing the subject 

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