Chapter 10(Final Episode)

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Scene 1 (continuation from last scene)

Collins: removed his head slowly from chidis chest.... Please forgive me.. I was only pàíñed and filled with revèñge..
I never knew I would meet someone I would love in the process.. please forgive me genuiely please... I know I have wrongèd you!

Chidi: awwnn..stop crying... I have forgiven you Collins... If I didn't forgive you I won't be here with you up till now..

Collins: forgiveness is not this easy.. I know you still hàte so much... I know that for sure..

Chidi: hmmm look at me..he said and raised Collins head facing him..
I'm not angryy with you anymore and I have forgiven you ok!..

Collins: still cryîng..... Are you sure about that? For real?

Chidi: yes for real ok.... Don't cry again okay.... I'm here for you to love and stay with you okay..

Collins: thank you so much.... I'm scàred, I thought you still had me in mind..

Chidi: hmm I don't..

Collins: stood up and took his phone from the bed..
Take..he pointed it to chidi...

Chidi: what for?

Collins: your videos I made is still on my phone....

Chidi: hmmm it's fine..

Collins: delete it.. take it and delete it.... please
So you can be sure I don't have any copies again..

Chidi: hmmm.. do it your self.. you made the you delete them yourself

Collins: ok.... Let me do it now.. he said and started operating his phone

Chidi: good boy! Everything going perfectly fine as planned... The final plan is what is remaining now...and that is to get ríd of you! He said in his mind while looking at him

Collins:I'm done now.... He said and showed him

Chidi:you don't have to show me.i believe you ok!

Collins: thank you so much...

Chidi: alright...

Collins: so what is next?

Chidi: in what way?

Collins: I really don't know.... just anything..

Chidi: hmmm alright I brought a surprised for you!

Collins: really what is that?

Chidi: brought out a Small leather from the things he bought from the market..

Collins: watching him.. trying to figure out what is there

Chidi: hmmm close your eyes...

Collins: close my eyes?!

Chidi: yes.. just do it

Collins: hmmm ok
Then he closed his eyes

Chidi: tadaaaaa..... surprise...

Collins: opened his eyes...😳 What is this?

Chidi: my surprise for you na.. 🙄

Collins: potatoes? Potatoes is the surprise?

Chidi: yes! ☺️ You love potatoes...

Collins: go abeg.. I even thought it's something special..

Chidi: hahahaha you don't like it?

Collins: hmm not like that.. just that I wasn't expecting a potatoe

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