Don't Leave Me In the Cold

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warnings - implied sexual content

The morning light stung Hyunjin's eyes as he drearily slugged his way to the bathroom, silently cursing himself for choosing a kdrama over sleep despite knowing how full his schedule is today.

An unusual silence blankets his surroundings as he wonders where his roommates are. They're normally creating a raucous in the kitchenette but there is no sign of life by the sounds of it.

That's quickly proven wrong when his favourite person enters their shared bathroom - a sleepy squirrel. The sight of Jisung causes a cheesy smile to break out, taking up half of his face.

"Good morning jagi".

The boy only stares at him before humming in acknowledgement.

His smile drops.

The lack of endearment strikes a nerve. He doesn't want to be dramatic and assume the worst, so he originally puts it down to Jisung feeling tired with all the late nights they have had recently.

But now Friday has arrived and there is still no sign of affection.

He watches Jisung through the mirror as the boy silently brushes his teeth beside him, eyes trained down to stare hard at the dried toothpaste on the sink.

The silence wouldn't have been so unsettling if it wasn't for the fact that he was dealing with loud-mouthed cheerleader Han Jisung.

He continues to stare in puzzlement, waiting for his routinely greeting hug that he is bound to receive from the younger. So when that doesn't happen, and Jisung leaves to his own room. He can't stop himself from mulling over everything he could have possibly done wrong in the past few days to deserve such coldness.

It was stressing him out, giving him vivid flashbacks to pre-debut them and how ugly it was. He wanted to avoid a repeat of their rivalry at all costs, except it was different this time. They were older and more mature now, but most importantly, they are friends. Best friends, best friends on their way to becoming more?

Or they were...

It doesn't get much better from there.

Jisung doesn't talk to him more than necessary during their dance practices and recordings and he swears that Jisung moves further away everytime he attempts to scoot closer during their group interviews.

But his detached behaviour isn't confirmed until later that night when they are back in their bathroom again.

He idly makes his way in after Jisung. Tired and sore from the day.

Jisung has just finished wiping his mouth when Hyunjin ceases his opportunity and closes the distance between them.

Burying his face in the nape of his neck; eyes closed and reveling in the warmth.

He hears Jisung sigh in what seems like fatigue before he eventually brings a hand up to run through Hyunjin's hair and Hyunjin has to fight the urge to purr. This was the most warmth he had encountered from Jisung in the past five days.

Jisung grants him only a few more seconds before he's being pushed away while Jisung leaves without bidding him goodnight.

And Hyunjin wants to scream.

It continues to go on like this for three more days where it's all ice cold treatment with glimpses of tenderness, making poor Hyunjin even more confused.

Like after their intense musicbank rehearsal. Hyunjin was left heaving, a pain in his chest caused by the rapping of his heart. He sat in the corner with his eyes closed and his hand over his chest, willing it to slow down.

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