ch 2

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A/N I'm very excited, because I'm writing this story that I've had in mind for a long time. I assure you that Steph will be a very interesting character to follow, but I would like to focus more on her love story than on the fights she will have, although these will also be important in the story and will inevitably appear, that's all because I'm not good at describing fights.

"Why are you sad?" I hear Rhya asking me from my right. I was getting ready to ask him how he managed to sneak past me without me hearing him but most likely he was already here when I came.

"I fought with Licht again" I say and Rhya laughs "What did you do?" he asks me with a smile from ear to ear.

"It seems that bad luck is following me". I feel like crying so I hug my knees exhausted. Why can't I be like the rest of the world, it's like a curse has been placed on me, nothing turns out the way I want and sometimes I even end up hurting the people I love.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He is asking me a little seriously this time. "I wanted to help Fana with the laundry, but somehow I ended up setting half of her laundry on fire, I don't even know how it happened," I say exasperated.
Rhya laughs, I don't know why I expected him to help me or give me advice, but just as I was getting ready to leave I heard a woman's scream.

I woke up sweating as if I had a nightmare, but everything seemed so real, like a memory. "Rhya, Licht, Fana?" I murmured, why do these names sound so familiar to me.

I heard a knock on the door, so I threw my blanket off me. "Come in" I said, curious to find out who it is.

I notice how the door opens with a small creak and none other than Julius enters. "Happy birthday my beautiful girl" he said.

I can feel a smile blooming on my face. I don't think I told you about the feelings I have for this man. He is the only parental figure I know, the only one who was by my side when it was difficult and the only one who knew how to remove my tears when the pain overwhelmed me. Although I have never written it out loud to him, he is my father and I will love and respect him until I leave this earth.

"I have a present for you" says Julius smiling with stars in his eyes. Usually my father doesn't need a reason to buy me a present, but when it comes to birthdays, he outdoes him by getting me the most beautiful presents. I'm curious what you have this year.

Julius hands me a small gift bag, which I notice is more serious this year, unlike the previous years, when my father gave me gifts in pink bags with unicorns or something like that.

From the bag I take out a small velvet box which I open with care and enthusiasm revealing a chain with a precious stone the color of the luxurious champagne that the nobles drink.

"You had this chain around your neck when I found you 13 years ago, it is quite difficult for a girl of your age to wear, so I took it off and kept it in a drawer in my room, over time I forgot about it but two months ago I found it lying in the same place in the drawer and I thought you would like to have it, says Julius blandly.

My eyes fill with tears that inevitably fall on my cheeks like dew. My father noticed this, so he pulled me towards him, grabbing me in a hug that I longed for. "I don't think there are words to say how much I love you, I couldn't have asked for anything more in the world but you" I confess and continue to cry on his shoulder. "You've grown so much, I can't believe you're going to leave home," he says, caressing my hair, but something in his voice was also breaking.

We stayed like this for a while, letting the silence soothe our souls. There is no one I love in this world like this man, my father.

In the end he left my room to let me get ready for the day that had just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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