Part 12

442 13 4

Miles's POV


Oh no...

I frantically searched for a corner to hide in to avoid the oncoming danger, but the best hiding spot was a dark corner – and there was no way I was hiding there.

Wait a minute – I can turn invisible!

I clenched my fists and grunted, trying my hardest to turn invisible.
I peeked open one eye to check whether I was see-through yet-


Nope, I was still there.

The voice was coming closer, and I knew that if I didn't disappear soon, I was going to be a very dead Spider-Man.

Come on, powers, come on! I silently urged – they were almost here!

I tried again; this time even harder than before...

And I was still visible!

"You're kidding me..." I clutched my head in my hands.

A few seconds later, my head shot up as I heard the clip-clop of someone's boots as well as the clomp of another's.

They would reach here in...







"...and this is the last place it was tracked."

A woman with a bush of frizzy, brown hair stepped into the empty space. It was loosely tied with a scarf, and her eyes hid behind large glasses.

I crawled down a bit lower to get a good look at her face. Is it who I think it is?

What's her name...?

Dr. Olivia Octavius.

Wait a minute...

What is she doing here?

We had met her during a school trip to Alchemic almost a year ago. She was the head scientist there, and she had shown us around the place. I kind of liked her and her slightly crazy demeanor. And she was super chill; I had made a joke about her friends calling her Doc Ock and instead of getting mad, she actually laughed and said her friends called her Liv.

What could she possibly want from this place?

"Are you sure?" Another guy that I didn't recognize stepped into the subway, squatting down to look at the place I had been looking at earlier.

"Yep." Doc Ock sighed and checked some fancy-looking watch on her wrist.

"This is its last detected heat signature." She showed the other guy whatever had popped up on her device and he groaned.

"Ugh, what could've possibly happened to it?" He ran his hands through his hair and clasped them at the back of his head.

"Maybe someone took it home as a pet or something," Olivia mumbled absentmindedly.

The man snorted and closed his eyes. "Whoever did is in for one hell of a shock."


"Oh! Found it!" Olivia exclaimed, pulling out a pair of tweezers from her lab coat pocket. She picked it up and inspected it for a few seconds before her face fell.

A Tale of Two Spiders [BEING REWRITTEN ELSEWHERE]Where stories live. Discover now