chapter 1

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Heyyyy! My name is Lexie and I am absoultley in Loveeee with Cameron dallas. I'm pretty famous on vine but you know I haven't been asked to go on tour yet. My friend Tori is in tour with them because she is major famous on vine! Soon I will be going on tour and meeting Cameron Dallas! Well I should tell you a little about myself. My name is Lexie I'm 18 years old and im short but not that short. Ummm I lobe magic on and well im weird but you know its normal. I live in Indiana. There's a little thing you should know about me....I'm Taylor caniffs sister. Yeah yeah yeah fan girl all you want but its not how you picture it. He's always gone but we are still close. He is the person I can talk to when I get hurt or upset. He's an amazing brother well when he wants to be. I got a phone call from tori
T- heyyyy girlyyy well so I have some news!
L-okay what's up!?
T- your coming on tour with meeeee!!!! L-omfg yessss I get to meet Cameron fucking Dallas dude!!!
T- calm down its just cam
L- just cam? Are you crazy like tf!
T- just pack you leave in an hour I will meet you at the airport in Cali! Love you girl
L- bye thanks t love you too
OMFG I MEETING CAMERON DALLAS!!!!! I'm sooo excited I started getting ready an hour later I got to the airport And I got on the plane when I got on the plane it was awhile so I fell asleep. The airport lady woke me up and she told me it was time to leave. I got off the plane and started looking for tori but instead I found someone I was soooo happy to was Nash Grier holding a sign that says "Lexie magcon!" I've always like Nash he was cute but not as much as I did Cameron I walked up to him "hi I'm Lexie!" "Hello gorgeous I'm Nash! Ready to go?" I blushed and nodded. We got into the limo and I fell asleep on Nash's shoulder.

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