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"Does this look cool on me?" Larrisa asked, turning to the other 3 with a Slipknot shirt held to her chest.

"You don't even listen to Slipknot!" Eric retorted, glancing away from the knock off Air Forces he was inspecting, only receiving an annoyed eye-roll from Larissa back.
"You don't listen to Saweetie but you still bought her McDonald's meal." Behrouz called out Eric's hypocrisy whilst holding a simple navy blue tee in-front of his chest to a mirror.

"And you bought the Ariana Grande skin on Fortnite!" Kara added to Behrouz's callout while checking the price of a pair of bell bottom jeans. Eric stood quiet for a moment, only being able to muster a joking "shut up." The other 3 snickered at him.

"But does it look good?" Larissa repeated her original question, the other 2 nod yes, Eric replied "it's fine." reluctantly. "Guess I'm buying!" Larrisa placed the shirt in the already overflowing cart they were all sharing. The others did the same with their shirts and pants.

"Alright, we've passed through every aisle. Now we can finally buy." Behrouz remarked with sigh at the end, "Then wait you waiting for?" Kara exclaimed before the entire group booked it for the self checkout. "Isn't self-checkout only if you're getting less-" Behrouz was cut off by Kara's "who cares?!". That was Kara's guiding principle in life: if you wouldn't care, why would anyone else? As selfish as it was, it worked. They arrived, and started checking out as much items as possible in the shortest amount of time. They didn't even know why they were rushing, they just felt like being fast. Eric scanned the last shirt, the total price showing up on the little screen above the scanner: $947.

"947?! Fuck! We don't have that money!" Larrisa groaned, freaking about what to do with all the clothes they couldn't afford.

"We could just put some of it back, we have $500 to spend." Behrouz remarked. It was the rational thing to do. Rationale and Reason, it's all Behrouz used to make his decisions. It made him a symbol of wuss amongst all the other people his age, but the group had already been used to his almost nerd-like person.

"Or..." Kara gestured towards the exit. She didn't say any other words but everyone already knew what she meant. Kara was always a slight kleptomaniac.

Eric nodded, "but, I have a better plan." He looked towards the storage entrance at the back of the H&M. "We could try to leave by there, they don't have alarms by it. I'm pretty sure all stores have exits in the back." The group thought for a moment before shrugging in unison and walking towards it, trying not to make a scene. He opened the door, smiling to himself. "They forgot to lock!" he whispered to the others. They walked in and closed the door behind them quietly. It was pitch black, Eric, Larissa, and Kara tried to feel for any object to guide them.

Behrouz sighed before pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight. "You guys could've done that." He chuckled his peers' stupidity. They all pull out their phones and turn on their flashlights. They search around for an exit, without realizing they were going in circles across the rows of still packaged inventory. As they walked, a small pitch black pit opened in front of them.

"Wooah!" Larissa stumbled back, almost tripping on Eric's foot.

"What is that?" Kara asked, staring at the black spot in-front of them, no matter how much light they shown on it, it would stay completely dark, almost like a black hole.

"Can we touch it?" Eric pondered,

"I don't think we should." Behrouz answered.

"One of us has to. We probably just discovered a mini black hole or something." Larissa challenged the group, they all argued amongst each other who should do it.

"You're the oldest! You do it!" Kara pointed her finger at Larissa,

"Eric brought us here! He should!" Larissa retorted, "Make Behrouz do it! He needs some adventure in his life!"

"Why me?! I didn't bring us he-" Behrouz was cut off by a tough shove by Eric onto the pit. He fell into it as if it was a hole, vanishing into nothingness. "Oh my god! Did you just kill him?!" Larissa cried out, Kara laughed. Just then, a H&M employee opened the door into the storage.

"Where were they..." the employee murmured as they flicked the light switch at the entrance on and walked across the storage area. They were walking towards the group's direction. They're eyes widened in unison, "shit! We gotta GO." Kara mouthed. She jumped in the hole, Eric and Larissa followed. They had no idea what would happen, but they're wasn't much else to do with the employee in there. The hole quickly vanished after they had all jumped in, leaving no trace of the group ever being there.

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