"That's unlucky."

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Suddenly a sharp jolt shoved the bus and it flew back into another one. I had to dig my claws in to keep from tumbling over the side.

"Demonstrating for me again?" I hissed sarcastically, recognising the blue glow of the weapon.

"What where you doing with the kid?" The shocker asked in a gruff voice, ignoring my previous comment.

"What?" I teased and began to stand upright again. "I'm a social creature."

"You know what they say." He mumbled, I could hear the crackling of electricity as his fist began firing up again. "Curiosity killed the cat." He clambered up the side of the bus in my blindspot. Shocker cried out as he lunged for me, planting an electrical fist in my side. I flew backwards from the sheer force of it all, landing on the schools brick wall next to the fire escape.

I yowled in pain as I slid to the ground, feet planting first obviously. Suddenly Peter burst through the door, dressing in something silly.

"What's with the crappy costume, spidey?" I grumbled and he looked at my kneeling form, hunched over the ground.

"Kitty?" Shocker lunged forward while Peter was distracted, launching him to the floor in the same way I was blasted back.

"What's with the crappy costume?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, getting up and skilfully not making a sound as I strolled behind him. "I know right?" I sneered and he turned around, only to see the bottom of my built in heel as I sent a kick to his face.

"That's gotta hurt!" I announced when his head whipped back around, revealing a completely busted lip. He tried to punch me again but this time I ducked under it and his fist collided with another bus.

For Peter that sucked, I watched from afar as his body ricocheted off a different bus then back to us. Shocker charged forward to deliver another blow to him but instead I leaped in front, taking the punch in his place.

I yelped as I flew through the back of a bus, glass shattering around me before I collided with the floor, completely out of breath. It didn't matter, adrenaline pulsed through my veins and I shook it off in a matter of seconds, only to come out and watch Peter crawl out of a Peter-sized hole in another bus.

I dove forward for his web shooter, which had been discarded on the floor. As quickly as I could, I raised it up and fired, getting the shockers electric bars webbed.

"Nice shot!" Peter chuckled and I grinned back at him then looked down at the device in my hand. Peter must have tugged down on it, as it flew out of my grasp and back to him.

I watched, slightly impressed as he proceeded to disarm shocker and web him to the bus. Peter ran back over to me. "You've got to go, I need to call mister Stark." Peter blurted out and I arched a brow.

"Damn." I sighed, yet smirked. "I was hoping they'd make me an avenger for saving your buggy ass." I leaned in as I said it but Peter eventually shook his head.

"I'm serious. Unless you finally feel like being caught, you'll run." He told me before swinging on to a nearby lamppost. I shrugged but ran straight after him until I bumped into a familiar silver car.

"Kitty. I'm going to need the car." I told flash, sliding off his bonnet in a somewhat seductive tone.

"Uh- this is my Dad's car so-." I shook my head and leaned over the door to pet his.

"Please?" I pouted. "I'm usually good at giving things back." He groaned but just like that, I had the car.

Immediately I put the pedal to the metal, gears grinding as I spun around the bend and followed after Peter, who continued swinging his way to wherever he was going, balancing his phone in between his chin and shoulder as he did so.

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