𝐨𝐧𝐞 - 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞

Start from the beginning

"noa!" belly screamed as she started to tickle her.

"belly!" noa whined as she turned herself over, grabbing at the younger girl's wrist so that she could stop tickling her.

belly straddled noa's waist as she tried to get her wrists free. but it was no use, noa had a strong grip. without any warning, noa turned them over, the curly haired girl now being on top. belly let out a scream at the sudden movement, making noa smile as she looked down at the conklin girl.

"girls, don't break anything!" the voice of susannah yelled, noa immediately looked over towards her door before she looked back down to belly.

the smile on her face turned into a smirk, tilting her head. "hi, bela."

belly rolled her eyes at the nickname, biting back the smile that was trying to make its way into her face. "hi, elle."

noa grimaced at the nickname, following belly's previous actions in rolling her eyes. she climbed off of belly and stood up, pulling the younger girl up with her. before belly could do anything, she was being pulled into a hug. the shorter girl smiled as she wrapped her arms around noa, breathing in her scent. noa did the same thing, feeling her heart skip a beat when she felt belly hug her tighter. if you didn't guess it by now, noelle fisher was absolutely head over heals for isabel conklin. it's been that way since noa was 12 and belly was 11.

"i missed you, bells." noa mumbled, placing her head on top of belly's.

"i missed you too, noa." belly said, her voice soft.

the two pulled away from one another, letting noa take in belly completely. she noticed the changes in belly, how she had technically became a woman. but that hadn't changed her opinion on belly -- she always thought that the belly was beautiful. actually, she knew that belly was beautiful. she smiled slightly, tilting her head as she made eye contact with the younger girl. this made belly smile as well, following noa's actions in tilting her head.

"why're you looking at me like that?" belly questioned, narrowing her eyes slightly.

noa shrugged, combing her fingers through her wild curls. "you got your braces off."

"i sent you a pic when i did." belly reminded, not seeing the point in noa's reaction.

"1, your phone was like an inch away from your face. 2, you look pretty without them." noa listed, her eyes widening slightly when she had realized what she said. "not that you didn't look pretty with them."

"i know what you meant, noa." belly laughed, noticing how flustered the older girl had gotten.

noa shook her head slightly, walking around belly and to her nightstand to grab her phone. she unlocked her phone to answer all the text messages she had gotten from her mother, brothers, and wesley campbell. she smiled slightly when she read wes' text, him basically asking when the two of them were gonna meet up. she responded, which sparked up a little conversation between the two. that left belly standing there, giving her the opportunity to take in noa's appearance. somehow, the girl had gotten taller, growing another inch within the last year. her curls were wild because of her sleeping, but she obviously didn't care. belly's eyes went to noa's neck, noticing the beaded necklaces that were around it. she smiled when she saw that noa was wearing the necklace that she had made her.

"you're still wearing it." she mumbled, making noa look up at her with raised eyebrows. "the necklace i made you, you still wear it."

"oh. i never take this thing off." noa admitted, which earned a look of confusion from belly. "why would i?"

"i don't know. i just thought you would've by now." belly shrugged.

"i don't think i'll ever take it off." noa told her. "even if it pops, i'll pick up all the beads and replace the string."

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