Chapter 2

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~It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, But I'm holding you closer than most~

I sit in my biology class, watching the door for the a certain face. The bell rings, and by now every seat is taken. I frown and scoff silently. 'I knew she was lying.' I think to myself. Ten minutes into class, and the door creaks open. In comes a girl with straight blonde hair, and a red sweatshirt on. I narrow my eyes.

It couldn't be.

The girl turns around and walks to the back of the room. She takes a seat next to me and smiles at me. "Rebecca." I say harshly. "Jonas." She replies kindly and turns to the board. I roll my eyes and look at the board too, glancing at her out of the corner of my eye.

She looks down at her paper, biting her lip. "I don't understand any of this." She mutters. I sigh annoyed. "It's actually very easy. Just mix together chemical A with chemical AD7, and you'll get a chemical reaction. Drop in the screw and wait." I say demonstrating. "Thank y-" She starts and smiles at me, "Sorry, I forgot." I look at her closely, and my lips curve up a bit into a slight laugh.

I nod a little, and look back at my own paper. The bell rings a little while later, and I grab my stuff and head out the door. Rebecca goes out before me, and walks through the hallway. A few girls snicker at her, and I don't realize why until I see the back of her shirt. I narrow my eyes and sigh, as she look around confused.

She keeps walking, her head up high, pretending it didn't bother her. I walk up to her, and put my hand to her back, and rip off a green tampon. I tuck it into her backpack. She looks at me confused. I lean into her hair and whisper, "Just keep walking."

And we do. We keep walking. My hand still to her back. She smiles softly. And for the slightest moment, I do too.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2015 ⏰

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