fic rizz

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Clawdeen should've been smarter. Of course she couldn't fit in at Monster High, she couldn't even fit in in her own hometown. In her own family. Of course the school had to go and start falling apart because she didn't have a true 'monster heart'.

She sighed. Guess it was back to homeschooling for her then.

She looks up, preparing to grab her bags, and catches sight of a human boy walking in her direction. She panics, reaching for a hood that isn't there, and doesn't have a chance to try and get away before he looks up from his sketchbook. There's a moment of pause, then he offers an awkward wave.

Clawdeen blinks at him, before waving back, "Hi?"

"Hello," the human closes his sketchbook, coming to a stop at the edge of the bleachers she was perched on.

"I'm Clawdeen, shouldn't you be... freaking out?" he frowns.

"No, I'm used to monsters. Well, kinda, I didn't really grow up around them all that much, but I've met enough of them to not care. Plus, being half monster makes it a little hard to care either way." he shrugged, "I'm Jackson, by the way, they/them."

Clawdeen blinked as she processed that, before frowning, "You're part monster? But- you look totally human!"

Jackson chuckled, "Yeah, I know, uhh," they tilt their head to the side in though, "Great, great grandfather was a mad scientist, and he took some potion to split his personality. Since then the family kinda," they gestured with their hands, "Went down different paths. I'm part fire elemental. What about you? Why's a werewolf sitting staring at an empty normie skate park."

"What's a normie?" Clawdeen scrunched her face up, and Jackson blushed a deep blue color.

"Human, sorry, habit. It's an old monster term or something that my family still uses," they wave their hand, "Just ignore it."

"...Alright. Uhm, well," Clawdeen sighed, "I'm part human, and I really, really wanted to attend this school called Monster High because I was sick of not fitting in with the humans...But then the school started falling apart because I'm not a true monster or something like that, and now I'm here."

Jackson hummed, "Understandable. Although I think the whole 'true monster' thing is a little weird. Uh, hm, my uncle works at Monster High I think, or at least he was planning to last we heard. He doesn't use the family name anymore so you might know him as Komos."

Clawdeen's eyes practically bugged out of her head, "You're related to Mr. Komos?!"

Jackson smirked, "Yeah, I just said that, didn't I?" they joked, "Why, is that so surprising? Last I saw he just looks like an alternate universe version of me. Wears the sweaters and everything," they reached up and tugged at the light grey sweater they were wearing over a white button up.

"I guess not, it just feels weird," she chuckled, "Wait, if Komos isn't your family name, what is?"

"Well his was Hyde, but I'm a Jekyll," they shrugged, frowning when Clawdeen seemed a little bit more shocked than he figured was warranted for such unimportant information, "Uh... why do you look like I just ran over your dog?"

"Mr. Komos said- he gave us this whole lesson about Jekyll and Hyde and talked about how untrue his heart was because he was half human but- wouldn't that make Komos part human too?" Clawdeen ran a hand through her hair, her ears twitching. She could feel her nails sinking back into her skin as random thoughts and theories started showing up in her head, was Mr. Komos evil?

Wait, if Jackson was related to him–

"Uh, okay, I don't know how to... deal with you freaking out over this," Jackson gestured awkwardly, fidgeting with their sketchbook, "But, yes, he is part human. He doesn't have an alter ego for some reason, and I actually have no idea why because as far as I've known every other family member has? He's also kind of a jerk, doesn't like the monsters in the family because of what happened to his dad."

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