Parties & Stoners

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We walk through the forest, following Hagrid when he speaks up.

"How are we supposed to open these books anyway?" Malfoy asks with an attitude.

"By strokin' the spine o' course." Hagrid replies.

"I think they're funny." I hear Hermione say.

To which Draco replies, "Oh, yeah. Terribly funny. Really witty. God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my Father hears that Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."

Harry steps forward to him, "Shut up, Malfoy."

"Ooh." Draco and his friends tease. He smirks as he hands Crabbe his bag before stepping towards Harry but stops when he notices something behind him.

His face turns scared as he points above him, "Dementor! Dementor!"

We all turn, only to have him laugh at us and taunt us.

"Daddy's boy! Daddy's boy!" I mock, making everyone laugh harder.

Malfoy gives me a glare as Hagrid returns with a Hippogriff.

Harry ended up taking a ride and when he landed, that's when the problems started.

"Oh, please." Draco scoffs as he pushes through the students towards the Hippogriff. "Yes, you're not dangerous at all, you great ugly brute?" He mocks before the creature neighs and injures his arm.

He whimpers in pain, "It's killed me! It's killed me!"

"Hagrid. He has to be taken to the hospital." Hermione says, making Hagrid nod.

"I'll take him. Serena grab his bag and follow me." Hagrid says to me, making me roll my eyes before grabbing Draco's bag from Crabbe and following Hagrid.


We walked into the hospital wing where Madame Pomfrey was tidying up the beds.

She looks at us and motions for Hagrid to lay Malfoy down on one of the beds.

"Well, what's happened this time, Mr. Malfoy?"

I smile, "In his words, 'It's killed him!'"

Malfoy glares at me, making me quirk a brow at him.

"Well, be happy that you had a narrow escape. Another minute and you could've lost your arm."

"Oh, yes. Very happy." Draco says sarcastically. I lightly smack his other arm to be quiet.

He shuts up, surprisingly before Madame Pomfrey wraps his arm.

"Alright. I will be right back to give you the potion for the pain. Miss Snape, can you stay with him?"

The question takes me aback, but I give a stiff nod. I mentally curse myself as she and Hagrid leave the room.

Malfoy looks at me with a smirk, "Hate that you have to interact with me after two days of avoiding me?"

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