Aki: "Yes boss, I will do it right away"

Aki followed orders without thinking, denji also followed him.

Makima: "hey denji!"

Denji: "what is that?"

Makima: "ah no... it's nothing"

Denji looked at makima and then continued to leave makima alone in the room


Denji and aki begin patrolling the crowded streets. Denji often jumps on buildings and walks on them for easy observation, but this will separate him and Aki so he doesn't do it.

Aki: "Denji... why did you become a demon hunter?"

Denji: "I'm a demon hunter for fun"

Hearing the answer, Aki's face began to wrinkle with anger but he didn't want to vent his anger on this crowded street. He ordered denji to follow him and led him to a dark alley.

When they reached the nearby alley, aki punched denji in the face but he didn't move or get hurt and aki felt his hand was extremely painful.

Denji: "what the hell?"

Denji said with an annoyed expression because he was calm and healing when he was punched. Pochita started barking at aki because he was attacking its owner. Aki continued punching denji with her other hand but only injured herself further. Denji then knocked him out because he was bothering him and didn't want to cause him more pain.

When aki fell to the ground, denji picked him up and carried him back to headquarters.


Denji: "this guy suddenly attacked me so I defended myself"

Both of them are now in makima's room.

Aki: "this guy... he's... damn!"

Aki couldn't argue because the bald guy was telling the truth.

Makima: "So what? Can you two work together?"

Denji (emotionless expression): "no problem"

Aki: "he's the worst..."

Makima: "That's good. Denji, from now on you will join aki's team"

Denji (expressionless face): "What team?"

Aki: "working with this brat? My head hurts enough already... now add this brat"

Makima: "I told you when I created this team... that I would test a new system that no one has tried before"

Aki turned towards denji as he was yawning and not paying attention.

Aki" it's okay... this kid is quite strong after all"

Makima: "If he resigns, he will be treated like a demon"

Hearing these words, denji remained expressionless and did not care about it but only thought about what to eat tonight.

After saying what he needed to say, Aki went out, Denji followed but was called back by makima.

Makima: "wait denji, I have some questions for you.

She said with a smile on her lips.

Denji: "What do you want to ask?"

Makima: "are you human?"

Denji looked at her blankly: "If it's not human, then what is it? A devil?"

Makima, who was observing the guy, was surprised that his words were true.

Makima: "one more question... do you have any feelings..."

makima looked at his face. He looks bored. She said while observing his reaction. But denji just had a blank face without any emotion, he was silent and stared at her.

Denji: "If I say no, will you believe me?"

Makima looked at denji and nodded, he continued.

Denji: "My feelings have been gone for quite a while."

Denji said as he suddenly left with pochita, making makima confused because he didn't tell any lies.

She smiled and took a sip of coffee on the table.

Makima: "Hmm, seducing him isn't as effective as the others... you have to make him like you" She said and giggled.


Denji went outside to get some fresh air, still holding pochita.

Denji: "What does she mean by asking that? Never mind, let's go home pochita"

Pochita: "woof!"

Denji and pochita started to go home, on the way he felt like someone was following him.


Denji and pochita continued walking and stopped at an intersection.

Denji watched the traffic light turn red... he groaned when a car blocked in front of him. The window opens and surprises denji because the person inside is aki.

Aki: "get in the car, from now on you live in my apartment, your belongings have been delivered"

Denji: "ok, don't say no to free stuff"

Denji got into the car and they both headed to Aki's house.

-end of chapter-

just a guy who's a devil hunter for funМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя