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A/N: long update because I love you guys.this is emotional.

When I walked back onto the stage, I stood next to Dustin. His smile hadn't faded since he found out he was moving on to the judge's houses. None of the other contestants in our category could hold their excitement either. Including me.

As the host of the xFactor stood in front of us, I noticed that the judges were not in their seats. I didn't bother saying anything about it and instead let the host explain what was happening. As a camera focused on the host's face, he began.

"We have now narrowed the acts down to forty, with ten in each judges group. The first category to find out who their judge and celebrity mentors are is the 18 and unders." The host announced. The camera panned across mine and the other contestant's faces before the host continued.

"With out further wait, let me introduce you to your judge mentor, Jeff! (made up)" The host paused as we all clapped for the young male singer/song writer who made his way through the stadium and onto the stage. "And your celebrity mentor is none other than-......-rection!"

I had completely zoned out on stage causing me to miss who our celebrity mentor was but I clapped along with the others none the less. A few girls were jumping up and down excitedly, so the celebrity must be pretty cool.

I asked Dustin who the host had said was our mentor but he wasn't paying attention to me and instead was staring star-struck. I followed his gaze to where a green-eyed, curly-haired heart breaker stood staring intently at me. Obviously the host had said something along the lines of 'Harry Styles from One Direction' because that was the only celebrity standing in front of me. But that's all he was to me now, a celebrity.

As soon as Harry saw that I was looking at him he mouthed the words, I'm Sorry. I Love You.

The familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach made me blush but the feeling was over powered by my aching heart all too soon.

I resisted rolling my eyes at him in case one of the cameras were focused on me. As the contestants went up to Harry and Jeff who were standing on opposite sides of the stage, I made my way over to Jeff rather quickly and said that I was excited to be working with him and then apologized for having to leave early, before running off the stage.

I didn't even bother grabbing my stuff as I ran out into the hallway which had all the snack bars and exits. I decided to go left and sprinted towards the first exit but it was blocked...by none other than my very own beloved brother Louis.

"Sam, just let him talk to you." Louis begged. I ignored him and ran down the hallway to the next exit but it was block as well...by one of my old best friends Niall.

He tried to say something but I ran off before I could hear. The next exit was blocked by Zayn and as I kept running, my vision blurred with tears and my heels pained my feet.

I actually stopped when I saw Liam blocking the fourth exit. Something about the look of his face made my legs stop moving. It was as if this whole situation was hurting him as much as it hurt me.

"Hear him out Sam. I promise you won't regret it." Liam said softly.

Looking at his big brown puppy eyes, I almost gave in. Almost. But I couldn't give in this easily. I was finally getting my life back and moving on. No stupid boys who didn't care enough to even tell me they were leaving a year ago were going to ruin this for me.

I let out a frustrated yell as I started running again. I would've kicked off my heels but they were low cut boots which made it hard to get them on and off. I ran into a dead end and instantly panicked. Why didn't I go right? I turned around to run back in the other direction but I couldn't.

The hallway was blocked.

Harry's P.O.V.

My eyes didn't leave Sam's as I made my way onto the stage. Her face filled with an infinite amount of emotions as I mouthed that I was sorry and that I loved her. She looked annoyed to see me which was definitely not what I was going for.

I lost sight of her for a moment as contestants ran up to me but she caught my eye once again as she ran off stage.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back." I apologized as I ran after Sam.

I needed to talk to her more than anything. I needed her back in my life.

I reached the hallway and couldn't see her. Deciding that she had probably gone left since most people go left when they make panicked decisions, I ran down the arena's main hall. I passed Louis who just pointed in the same direction I was running. I nodded at him, shouting a quick thank you behind my shoulder as I ran after Sam.

I passed Niall and Zayn before I saw Sam standing in front of Liam. I stopped at a safe distance so they wouldn't notice me and watched Sam's face. I was never good at reading people's face but I could tell she was broken.

As bad as this is going to sound, I was happy to see her hurting. It means that she hasn't fully moved on yet. She may not have forgiven me but she hasn't forgotten me either. She was hurting like I was. At the same time though, seeing her in pain caused my heart to break a little more and I questioned whether I should just turn around and leave her be. But I needed this. It would either be a new beginning for us or a final end; some proper closure.

A/N: anyone crying?

She once again took off and I ran after her. I stopped a bit behind her when I noticed she was about to run into a dead end. She turned around and I could see her make up smudged down her face from crying. As I watched her panicked face, I stayed silent.

Her eyes flickered everywhere but mine. When she finally met my gaze it was as if she completely lost it. I thought she had started running towards me but it turned out that she was trying to get around me. I took a quick stride and wrapped my arms around her waist, holding the back her thrashing body tight against my chest.

"Let me go!" She cried, her legs flailing everywhere.

I continued to hold her against me until she stopped squirming in my arms. I turned around and set her down on the ground that was between me and the dead end so that if she tried to run again, I could easily stop her.

She stood with her back to me and her arms folded against her chest like a child. A few tears slipped from my eyes as I realized the heart ache I was putting her through.

"Sam? Please talk to me." I whispered, my voice cracking,

She turned around and an unreadable amount of pain filled her eyes. She took a step towards me and starting hitting my chest as hard as her little fist could. Don't get me wrong, Sam was really strong for an 18 year old girl, but I grew up street fighting. It was no amount of pain that I couldn't handle.

I just stood in front of her, letting her use me as a punching bag to get her pent up anger and hurt out. Her eyes were focused on where she was punching intently. Her punches started slowing down and eventually they were barely hitting me.

I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around her entire body, causing her arms to be squeezed between our chests. I felt her body trembled against my touch and her face buried itself into my shirt, no doubt leaving make up and tear stains.

I just held her tightly as she broke down in my arms; neither of us talking for there was no need.

Forever Yours (sequel to You're Mine) /harry stylesWhere stories live. Discover now