Episode 2: First fight/Saving a girl

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Right now, we are seen in a dark and dim room as the sounds of clanking was heard in the room, but due to how dark it was, it was hard to make clear of what exactly it was.

That was until the lights turned on as we can now get an insight of what was going on.

Right now, we can see Emi, who had woken up to find herself in a container.

Emi: Huh?! Where am I?! What is going on?! Let me out!

???: Sorry, but I can't do that.

Emi soon then turns to see what appears to be a green and grey armored being.

Emi: Huh?! Who are you?! What do you want with me?!

Belhor: I am Belhor. I am the Leader of this section of the Qliphoth. And you will become a new weapon for us to use in conquering this world.

Emi: No, please! Let me go! I didn't do anything wrong! Please!

Belhor: It's not what you did, it's what you're going to do.

Emi: You can't make me!

Belhor: Oh, but we will.

Soon liquid was being poured into the container Emi was in as she screamed and banged on the glass wall.

Emi: No! Stop this! Please! Let me out! Let me out-mmmph!

Soon, Emi was trapped and encased in the liquid.

Belhor: Good. Now, Carabia.

Soon, a golden armored figure walked to Belhor.

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