Crash Yuki

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The upcoming race that will have place will be in Suzuka, in Yuki's country. He was very nervous, even if this was his third time racing there. He felt the pressure of the hometown race , more like country, but him being there was an inspiration for other young drivers that want to achieve the same level as himself. The title of a Formula 1 driver, and he knew from the moment he joined the F1 grid.

This time, the pressure was even bigger as he had to compete against his teammate, Daniel Ricciardo, newly joined in the Alphatauri team. Since Pierre left , he didn't get to feel comfortable again with his new teammate, Nyck , that they switched him for Danny since he was underperforming, but they didn't want to let him finish the whole season to prove himself . He didn't hate Danny . He is a great guy, funny, and gives really good advice since his seniority, but he couldn't really move on from Pierre , that french man had an impact on him, still feeling it , but slowly getting used to the new teammates that come his way.

He entered the paddock , and he was met with a lot of fans who cheered for him, ready to meet the others since they hadn't seen each other for a long time. So after he left his things in his room, trying to exit the garage to go to their meeting place, he was stopped by Michael, his PT. The guy was great, unless he made him train or eat healthy, and he would play along every time Yuki wanted to play, getting advantages from his muscular body and Yuki's small figure.

When Yuki asked why he was in front of him acting like a bodyguard, Michael told him that he had to do stretching exercises as they had just arrived , and also some exercise for mobility. Yuki opened wide his eyes , telling him that he wanted to go and met the others , but Michael didn't have it , so he took Yuki's hand and tried to pull him in the garage , and surprisingly he had a hard time to pull him in, which Yuki was so grateful to Michael that now he had this muscles , but sadly he was still small so Michael with an arm pull him up and made him stay on his shoulder , holding his legs and arms, for his and Yuki's safety.

The ones close to the garage saw what happened but didn't try to do anything as they knew Yuki was still a kid , and right now, he likes to go against his PT, even if he does the required exercises , willingly or not , he'll never miss a chance to joke with Michael and thankfully Michael was also good at keeping up with the jokes, making them get closer day by day. Some drivers that are used to these scenes would only laugh and hope they'll have time later to talk with him.

He and Pierre talked this morning over the phone , but it sounded like Pierre didn't want to talk with him, so after making sure he's alright he ended the call , trying not to get affected by Pierre's mood, concentrating on the Japanese GP , hoping he'll get good points.
Even until now, they didn't talk , but after he told Michael and Danny , they tried to make him forget about him for now , Michael making him do exercises, while Danny would make him something to eat, knowing the power of a great meal on Yuki, would make him very happy. Before he started to exercise, Yuki sent some texts to Pierre , hoping that he'll get back an answer, but sadly, he didn't get anything back, only the seen message was there, so he closed his phone and spend the following hours with them , as in two hours they have the first practice. They talked, exercised, and eaten, making Yuki calm down as they knew how he felt at racing in his country , everyone looking up at him.

One hour before they entered the cars , they decided to go and talk with the others , to see how they were, and what other gossips were in the paddock , but he only saw Charles with Pierre and Max with Checo. The way they were talking came off as something serious, so they tried not to interrupt them , but what saddened Yuki a little was that Pierre looked at him but didn't even waved or say 'hey' or something, and Yuki thought that he'll feel sad, but right now he was good and quite happy thanks to Michael and Daniel, so he didn't give much thought, going back in the garage , asking Michael a piggyback ride , which the poor PT had to accept, so he put Yuki on his back and he walked around a little to show everyone that Yuki now is tall but also a big baby . So they arrived in the garage, and Michael left him in front of the drivers' rooms, for him to change in the race suit. Daniel loved to see such interactions between Yuki and Michael, and little did they know he recorded the whole piggyback ride for memories and to show later to Pierre to make sure that he knows that whatever it's going on between them, Yuki is fine.

One Shot - F1(mostly Yukierre)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant