Author's Note

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Hi there! This is FIERYFIREFAIRY. You can also call me Bloom in the meantime. This short story is titled 'Dalawang Pusong Inusig ng Tadhana' where the story revolves around the life of a Spanish mestiza who met Senyor Crisostomo Ibarra after the man escaped from the guwardya sibil in Manila.

This one-shot story serves as fanfiction, wherein I mistakenly thought of Maria Clara as dead at the hands of Padre Salvi. She suffered ferociously at the hands of her abuser. The convent, which serves as a sacred place for priests and nuns to pray and offer their lives to the hands of God, served as hell for Maria Clara.

The story of 'Dalawang Pusong Inusig ng Tadhana' is actually my output in our written task in Filipino in grade 9. My Filipino teacher asked us to write a one-shot story wherein we would think of an alternative ending to the tragic love story of Crisostomo and Maria Clara. And instead of making it more tragic, I added some new characters to the dish to achieve new flavors that suited my taste.

I apologize in advance if there are any misconceptions or inaccuracies from the original story that are mentioned in this one-shot story.

That's it. Enjoy reading! 

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