⚠️Disclaimer(s)⚠️(intro basically dw)

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So hi everyone! I'm Lemon (she/they), your resident writer of this fanfic.

I just want to start by bringing attention to the fact that I am NOT good at writing in any way, shape or form ok? I just want to see a thought out heritage fic where Harry doesn't own half of Hogwarts and has 5 quadrillion powers or smth, don't get me wrong they are very fun to read but yeah I just want to give them the attention they deserve.

Secondly, I need to warn you that English is not my first language (most people now are probably like "ok Lemon I'm ready for the most scrumptious fic now") and I understand that some phrases I throw in there might sometimes not make sense so please bear with me.

Unto another big warning, I am known for abandoning fics and never touching them again ever so if that happens pretty please don't be mad at me, life is a female dog sometimes.

I will try to upload a chapter every week on Sunday at about 6-7 pm in my timezone, sometimes I won't so please be respectful because I'm in my last year of High School and preparing for the exams will probably take up a lot of my time.

Obviously criticism is encouraged I really want to hear your guys opinions on the story and what you think is going to happen!

I hope you enjoy it!

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