60. The Friends

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Chapter 60: The Friends

February 1, 2015
Melissa's POV:
I feel Louis let go of me and wake up. "Shh baby. Go back to sleep." He whispers. I hum and he kisses my cheek. "Alex." I mumble hearing him cry. "I got it baby. Go back to sleep." He says. Alex stops crying and I quickly fall back asleep.


I wake up around 9 with no one else in the room. Louis and I were in my parents house for the weekend. They went out for the weekend so Louis asked if he could throw me a little party for my birthday here. They agreed and so now here we are. I go to the bathroom and freshen up. We gave Hilda the weekend off and she went to visit her son in college. I went in my tank top and shorts downstairs and hear voices. "Wait you have a baby?" A voice asks. "Yeah." Louis says. I stop and listen. "I would've imagined her to have hella with all the sex she has." Another voice says.

"No. We're getting married too." Louis says. "Okay. Heard that before." Someone snorts. "We're very happy together." Louis says. "Mel has totally always gone for the blue eyed ones. Like that nerd she fucked. That was very sweet of her to have sex with him. He was very desperate and horny." Another voice says. I raise an eyebrow and go the kitchen were these voices were coming from. "I don't mean to gross you out but I remember fucking her brains out in the music room." A guy says. "Okay." Louis says and I hear the uncomfortableness in his voice. I walk in and see a whole bunch of my old friends from high school standing around in the kitchen.

"Lou?" I ask confused. "Don't you remember us you little whore? Come give us a hug." Sabrina, one of the cheerleaders/ best friend of mine says. I smile and hug her tightly. "Look at that guys. It's all taken." She says motioning to my body. I laugh and pull away. "Oakwood!" Phil, a fuckbuddy/ friend says. "Hi." I say hugging him. I hug the 5 other people here which were Cameron, Jason, Will, Logan, and Sam. They were all guys except Sam. She was one of the popular girls I had 'fun' with. Louis puts an arm around me and smiles.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "We haven't seen you since you turned 21. Your boyfriend can't keep you away this year." Jason says. He was one of the guys that had die for chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes. "Fiancé." Louis says clearing his throat. "Sorry. Fiancé." Jason says chuckling. I smile at Louis and pat his stomach. "How'd you get in?" I ask. "Jumped the fence." Will says he was a dirty blonde with blue eyes. "Wow. I feel safe." I say. They laugh and I look at Louis. "Can you get me some coffee?" I ask. "Sure anything else?" He asks. "No that's all." I say. He kisses my cheek and nods. All of them smirk and I smile. "Lets go to the living room." I say. They follow me and Cameron puts an arm around me. "I really missed you Oak. There's other things I missed about you too." He says pulling me closer.

Cam had fiery red curly hair and brown eyes. "You really know how to make me feel special." I say sarcastically. "I bet I do." He says his hand trailing down my back. "Watch it Cam. She's taken." Logan says pulling me away. "Hi Logan. Long time, no see." I say. "Yeah." He chuckles. We sit down and Jason and Cam sit next to me. "So we heard you unfortunately had a baby." Jason says. "I don't think it's very unfortunate. I mean I'm pretty happy." I say. "Wow Oakwood is finally getting her happy ending." Sam says. She had gorgeous blonde locks and blue eyes. I shrug and chuckle.

"Well your tits got bigger." Cam says. "Cameron!" Sabrina scolds him slapping the back of his head. Sabrina was Cameron's sister. She too had red hair and brown eyes. I giggle and shrug. "Yes I've been accused of getting a boob job but that's just a mothers life." I shrug. "I would totally love to suck on those." Cameron says staring at my chest and biting his lip. "Excuse him. He's been acting extra horny ever since he found out we were coming." Logan says. "I bet. But I'm used to it. I've been stuck with him since kindergarten." I say. "And me." Phil says. "I like the beard." I say.

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