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The first time I met Abdul was almost like destiny. Looking back on that day, it felt like every single thing that had happened was almost like it was calling me to him. Every breath, every movement, every word or sentence felt like every molecule of my body was calling me to him. I know what you're thinking, "Maryam, wake up, this is real life. What are you talking about?" Let me tell you something, if I didn't believe in destiny before I met Abdul, then I did after that day. What I thought would end up being a normal Friday for me turned out to be the best day of my life, or worst—you know, however you look at it.

It was my normal Friday. I woke up by 6 to go sit with Baba in the sitting room to recite the Quran before going about with our day. The house was deathly silent with the exception of Babas voice. On that particular Friday, it was different. The recitation was beautiful, and I had gotten so lost listening to Baba that I forgot to keep track. The Quran was on my lap, sitting open, while I stared at the back of his head, lost in deep thought.

We had easily lost track of time. On a normal day, we would finish before the house helps would come out to start the house chores for the day. But by the time we were done, they were already halfway done with breakfast. I greeted Baba and walked with him back to his room to greet Mama before starting my day. Even though I was running a bit late, it wasn't a problem. I got ready for the day as always, checked the time to confirm I would still make it on time. I had a meeting with my new members of staff that morning, and being late was definitely not the first impression I wanted to leave behind.

Here's where you meet Aslam. Technically, I already knew him, but this is where he becomes relevant to the story. Now don't get me wrong, he's an amazing guy, but he's not my Abdul. Actually, Aslam was in love with someone else—someone close to me—my best friend Hawwa. But she wasn't even sparing him the time of day. Every time he would make a move on her, she would turn him down. But her rejections weren't slowing him down. It was actually having the opposite effect on him. He was very resilient, if you ask me—a diehard lover boy for my girl. Hawwa, on the other hand, was finally getting her footing back after a horrible marriage and was nowhere near ready to start something new.

On that Friday, Aslam was at the store to pick up a book he had me order specifically for Hawwa. I sent someone to get the book for him while I took the chair beside him to chat while we waited. We talked for a bit, he got the book, and he was almost on his way out when he turned back to ask me if I would like to accompany him to pick up a friend at the airport. Then they would drop me at home afterward since I had previously mentioned that I would be taking an Uber home. It was a really sweet offer, which I had to decline respectfully. The last thing I wanted to do was drive around Abuja. All I wanted to do was go home.

By the time I got home, I was ready to pass out. My room was a mess, so I instantly got into the job of clearing out the room before retiring for the day. By the time I was done with my excessive cleaning, I wanted to kick back and scroll through my social media before taking a shower and heading to bed. Right when I picked up my phone, I realized that the girls' group chat was blowing up with messages about Nafisa's surprise birthday, which had completely slipped my mind. Her husband had invited us to come surprise her—a really cute gesture. And knowing Nafisa, she would burst into tears when she sees what he has planned. Thankfully, I didn't forget to pick up her gift a day before. All that's left is the wrapping.

I was just about done with the wrapping when the phone buzzed again with new messages from the group.

HALIMA: What time will you guys be arriving at Nafisa's for the surprise?

RUMAISA: By 8. Mamah, I'll be there by 7:30 to pick you up. We can't trust you to come on your own.

Another thing I forgot, I thought as I face-palmed. I knew Rumaisa would be there soon, so I immediately ran into the bathroom to freshen up before she arrived. I wasn't even surprised to find her waiting for me with a dress for me picked out by her. Laying beside it with a quick hello, I got to dressing up while she told me about another fight she had with her new next door neighbor Ismail. He had parked in front of the gate once again, delaying her from getting there on time. Rumaisa wouldn't admit it, but I knew she looked forward to their daily altercations, and you could see it in the little smile that would always play on her face when she talked about him.

"Toh mutafi, one of these days za ki nuna mun wanan Ismail din," I exclaimed, dragging her by the wrist to the car.

"Halima would have our head if we ruin the surprise by showing up late," she added.

I think I fell asleep on the drive to Nafisa's house. Thankfully, we got there right on time, and we didn't miss the surprise. She came in, and we all shouted, "Surprise!" She looked like she was going to lose her mind right before the waterworks commenced. We sang, took some pictures, fawned over the cute speech from her husband Salman. Everyone sat around telling stories and just generally having a good time. I retreated to a corner by the dining table, watching Aslam fail miserably trying to get Hawwa's attention. I couldn't help but giggle a little at his expense.

"I told him that line wouldn't work," a voice from behind startled me a little. I was fairly certain I was alone. I had to put my hand on my chest to control my erratic heartbeat.

"I don't think the line is the problem here, you know lurking in a corner is weird, right?" I answered, my voice almost a whisper.

"Isn't that what you're doing?" he replied in a smug tone. I didn't notice this before, but his voice was like honey. It felt like there was a huge, fluffy warm blanket wrapping around my heart just by the sound of his voice.

I was quiet for a second, maybe a beat too long, because he added, "I apologize if I startled you. I can leave if you want. I just wanted to hide from everyone. I don't know anyone here."

"No, you don't have to leave. It was your spot first." He was still behind me, so I had no idea what he looked like. He didn't say anything but hummed in approval. We sat in silence for a couple of seconds before an outstretched hand offered me an AirPod, the left ear, which was unusual, but I took it without a comment. He scooted his chair forward and placed his phone between us so I could have a clear view of what he was watching. In that moment, all I could think about was how good he smelled. Looking back at that moment, I think he realized that I wasn't paying attention to the show, so he started a conversation about shows. We had quite similar taste in shows. The conversation wasn't forced. I would ask him questions to keep him talking. I could listen to him talk for hours. We talked for almost an hour before Rumaisa came to drag me away.

"It was really nice meeting you," he said right before I was dragged away. All I could think about was him on the way back home and how I didn't even get his name. I waved Rumaisa goodbye and walked into the house. I went through my little night routine, prayed my Salah, and I am not even ashamed to say that I prayed to meet him again. I turned out the bedroom lights. I was half asleep by the time my phone pinged with a message.

UNKNOWN: Hi Lurker, I managed to get your number from Aslam. I hope you are okay with that. Just wanted to make sure you got home safely. Have a good night, Maryam, and thank you for making mine.
Your Abdul (its only fair you know my name since I got yours from Aslam).

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