Adam x Insecure Reader

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   Nora stares at you in awe and strains in excitement, "Your outfit looks amazing! Are you going to run for Supreme Royalty?"
   You caress your arm, "I'm still thinking about it.."
   She looks over in her purse and digs into it. You look around to see groups of people heading towards the Ballroom. Glancing at each person passing by- sparkling dresses, vintage button-up suits, wavy and fluffy hair, freshly painted nails, well-done makeup.. you could feel the insecurities washing every thought away.
   "Y/N? Y/N??" Nora desperately tries to get your attention.
   You completely zoned out and didn't realize it.
   "Oh- Sorry!"
   "I got my phoneee! Is it okay if I take some pics of ya?" She waves her phone and smiles at you, "You look so cute, I can't resist!
   You nod, and she takes pictures of you back and forth with every angle she could possibly do. At last she was done, or so you thought?
   She inverted the camera and held it up, puckering her lips and looking like the happiest person alive. You stood there awkwardly with a smile, wondering if she was ever going to be finished.

   "It is time to introduce everyone into the Royal Ballroom! Please be careful going down the steps." The principal announced from the doors, helping someone officially open the doors to the ballroom.
   "We better go!" Nora grabs your hand and drags you over to the overwhelming crowds where people waited one by one to enter the ballroom. She sighed in slight annoyance, "I HATE this part. It takes forever to introduce everyone.. why can't they just introduce the people running for supreme royalty instead?"
   "Yeah, it is.. fairly stupid." You agreed with her. Last year's Royal Ball was insane, it took around two or three hours to finish introducing everyone there.
   You were definitely not ready to wait that long. Your legs become weaker over time, and as each minute passes, it feels like it becomes slower, more boring. Even though Nora was somewhat more patient than you, it completely drew her over the line too.

   After what seemed like years it was finally yours and Nora's turn to be introduced. The principal gave a reassuring smile to you, and you stepped into the humungous ballroom.

   "Everyone please welcome your highnesses, Nora and Y/N!"
   Everyone at the bottom of the glossy, shimmering stairs applauded and cheered for you both.
   You shyly stepped down with Nora at your side, you could feel the eyes of the crowds below burn into you.
   Nora seemed to catch on, she noticed the uneasy look upon your face. She took her hand and placed it on your shoulder, finding a way to distract you, "So, what are you going to do in your free time here? After everyone gets introduced it will probably be a bit until they let people run for Supreme Royalty."
   You snapped out of your thoughts, "Oh, I'm not sure. I'll probably just walk around where it's not so crowded."
   "Oh yeah, that reminds me! I think this year the butlers are serving stuff. About time they done that again." She smiled at you.
   Your eyes lit up. The butlers! You would get to see Demetrius, Ashe, Zed..

   You blushed a bit. You had a crush on that guy ever since you started participating in the Sunset Island Pageants, but you were so self aware of how "ugly" you thought you looked, that you decided it's best to bottle up your emotions to prevent it from breaking your heart even more. Despite doing so, the more you think about him.. the more it drags you down.
   You and Nora finally reached the bottom of the stairs, and you quit zoning out for like the millionth time.
   Nora ran over to a group of people, who you assumed were her other friends. She patted you on the back before going off.
   You walked over towards a more empty area, blocking out the noise of blasting music and chattering people with your hands.
Suddenly, someone tapped on your shoulder.

   There stood Adam, flawlessly holding a tray full of Fruity Sparkling Cider. You completely halted and looked at him, feeling your face become hot.
   "Hey, would you like to try some of these drinks? I made them myself." He grinned at you.
   "Oh- sure! They look great" You took one of the drinks and sipped it slowly. It had a really sweet taste of fruits and sugar, "This is really good!"
"I'm glad.. so, who's your dance?" Adam kept a firm hold of the tray and stared at you, waiting for a response.
    You choked on the drink a bit
    "Uhh well- I don't have one. I came here with my friend."
    "Oh. That's surprising considering you are an amazing person.."
    "Amazing? No such thing" You shyly waved your hands and shook your head.
Adam gazed at you intently, "You don't realize it but you are one of the most amazing people I've met. Your personality just really brings you together."
You blushed, "Thanks.."
   Adam laughed and reached his hand out, twirling his finger around your hair, "Really! I'm being honest, Y/N, you may not realize it but you are a great person."
   You could only look away, you felt nothing of the statement of being a "great person", since you weren't all too familiar with a compliment like that. At least it made you feel a spark of joy, knowing that Adam himself admired you...

   After a moment of silence between the two of you, you cleared your throat, "I should uh... probably go looking for my friend. She's probably nearby..."
   You began to hurry away, but Adam grabbed you by the wrist in a gentle manner. You looked at him with a puzzled and startled expression.
   "Before you do go Y/N, do you care if I dance with you for a moment?"

   A... dance?

   He's not serious, right? He's only ever danced with Miss Pageant and some of the other butlers as a joke... but he wants to dance with you?

   Your face flushed red and your heart thumped in your chest. You had to quickly collect yourself so you would end up being embarrassed, "Uh... I.. Uh..."
   You struggled to get any word out of your mouth.

   Before you could continue attempting to speak, Adam held your hands and began to move you over to the reflective sprung floor. You were immediately blinded by the lights and the bright blue and white colors of the ballroom.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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