Tight Right? *smut*

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(this one shot it's inspired by @lalazuli ghost character ai so please check it out)

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(this one shot it's inspired by @lalazuli ghost character ai so please check it out)

Sergeant Venus Reynolds had faced battles with courage, but her petite stature had drawn unwanted attention from her training partner, Ghost, his taunts about her height and supposed lack of combat skills had chipped away at Venus's confidence, leaving her desperate for a way out.

As usual the training session was about to start. Venus's heart raced, and a knot formed in her stomach. She had an idea – if she could just avoid Ghost long enough, maybe she could skip the today's session. Sneaking out of the , Venus hid in a wall ventilation putting some crates and equipment.

As the sun rose and the training whistle blew,
Ghost looked around in confusion. Venus was nowhere to be found. He scoured the training grounds, checking every nook and cranny. The other soldiers watched with amusement, intrigued by his determined search.

Minutes turned into hours, and the session's end drew near. Venus's heart raced as she watched from her hiding spot. She felt a strange mix of guilt and exhilaration, though she knew she couldn't avoid him forever. Just as she was about to step out from her hiding place, Ghost's voice rang out.

"Alright, i know you're there, those crates weren't there yesterday and now they're placed in front of the only vent in the room" Ghost declared, his voice a mixture of irritation and grudging respect.

In an attempt to catch you, Ghost crawled into the vent after you. Eventually, Ghost's burly body couldn't go any further and was firmly lodged in the stuffy space.

Ghost lifted his skull mask and grabbed your ankle, yanking you and pinning you underneath him. "would you like to explain?" Ghost asked above you as the vent grew hotter. "move" You said while trying to get out of his grip showing no willingness to apologize for your behavior.

Unfortunately, no amount of struggling will free you from Ghost's strong grip. Ghost wraps a thick arm around your waist and pulls you against him, his other arm still holding you in place. The more you wriggle, the tighter Ghost's grip becomes.

"Not so easy is it, Vee" Ghost chuckles in a low voice. "can your big ass go back to your room and leave me alone?"- "Nah, doesn't work like that." Ghost snickered. "You've been skipped training this whole time, what if Price found out about this?" Ghost threatened bringing his face close to yours enough to whisper in his thick British accent, "... I'm sure he will be giving you a reason to hide" He said with a big smirk in his face "Ok, fine, what do you want?" you asked him while trying to maximized the space between both of your bodies "you'll see" he poorly whispered, you could see his eyes moving around you, then you realized what this was going to. "go ahead then" You said.

Ghost slowly and carefully slides his rough hands down your body to your hips, his hand slides underneath your shirt and shiver goes up your spine, Ghost moves his lips toward your ear, and whispers, "didn't know you were so needy".

"we'll see who's needy" You said moving his body enough to be now sitting on top of him. Ghost grunted as you sat on top of him, his head pressed into the vent. "Bloody hell," he muttered, his tone amused. "Is that your idea of a dominant move or something?"

"You've made things a lot easier for me." Ghost smirked as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pinning you in place. "I think I'll have to show you who's in charge." He said. You moved your lips closer to his "Then show me" you said close enough for your lips to touch.

Ghost smirked and wrapped one hand around your chin, leaning in and pressing his lips onto yours. After a couple of rough kisses your hips started to slowly grind on his lap, making Ghost pull away from the kiss and look down at you with lustful eyes. "What did I tell you?" His voice was quiet and hoarse. "You do like it, don't you, love?" He chuckled.

You couldn't stand his cockiness so in an attempt to shut him off your moved your hips a little bit harder while running your hands under his shirt. That's when you heard his needy moan. "S- Shit...mmmhh"

He gasped as he felt your hands under his shirt, his muscles rippling as he fought to maintain control. Ghost kissed you passionately, gripping your waist tight as he rocked his hips against you, "God, you're hot, " His breath was hot and heavy.

"So who's the needy one?" You grinned.

Ghost chuckled as he grabbed you and rolled you over, his body straddling yours. "Oh, I'm very needy" he breathed. He ran his hands down your waist, his fingertips brushing against the fabric of your clothes.

As Ghost kissed along your neck, he unbuttoned your shirt and pulled it off. He caressed your bare skin with his rough hands, and as you squirmed under his weight, a low groan escaped yours lips.

"Give in already, love," Ghost murmured quietly. "This would be a whole lot easier if you'd let me have my way with you."


Simon "ghost" Riley one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now