Start from the beginning

"Kyran and I are going to get some things. Wanna come with?" He spoke, watching for your response. After a moment, you simply shook your head, stating you had to  study. You watched as the demon frowned, walking into your room. "Oh, come on— you've been studying since this morning!" Damien whined, flopping dramatically infront of you. "I know your poor brain is on fire; given how small it is."

The incubus's snorts were interrupted by a pained groan as you plucked his forehead. "Screw you. And I need to study. These exams are extremely important." You spoke in a soft sigh, ignoring him leaning his cheek on your leg. "More important then weed and junk food."

You watched as he quickly glanced to the side, smirking to yourself. You weren't an idiot, every two weeks or so they would go out to get their supply, making it a fun outing. You didn't partake really, as your job could test you at any time.

"Don't know what you're talking about.."

"Sure, sure." You hummed, watching as he placed his hands on your thighs to lift himself from the ground.  Just when he opened his mouth to speak, heavy footsteps approached your room; heads turning.

"What's taking so long, Damien?" Kyran questioned, peeking into your bedroom. He was shorter than Damien yet still taller then you; adoring pretty pale skin, black shoulder length hair, and pink colored eyes. He glanced at you, "You coming with?"


Kyran rolled his eyes, entering your room as well. "Come on, it'll be quick. You've been in here for hours."

"That's what I told her!"

You grumbled to yourself a bit, turning back to your desk. "Enjoy your outing you two, I gotta finish studying. So please.. get out."

The room fell silent for a moment, you not daring to turn around. You just knew Damien was wearing a pout and Kyran was looking at you expectantly. In the past you've caved to your best friends wishes — as they have for you — but not today. Too much was on the line for these exams.

Kyran finally sighed, mumbling a come on Damien, before walking towards the door. "Text me what you want to eat, we'll pick it up."

"Thank you." You spoke, hearing them close the door behind them. You allowed your shoulders to fall, grabbing the previously discarded pencil; focus returning to your studies.

An hour and thirty had passed since the pair left, you still filling the time with studying. Your ass began to hurt given the chair, causing you to shift uncomfortably. And it didn't help you were beginning to get antsy, annoyed, finally realizing how long you were studying. But.. now wasn't the time to stop, you were nearly done with the material.

Until you had to pee.

"Ugh." You groaned, standing from your chair and exiting your bedroom to the bathroom in the hall. Closing the door behind you, you went to do your business. While sitting upon the porcelain throne, you heard the front door open and the incubi's voices enter shortly after.

"[Name]! We got you your food!"

"Thanks! Leave it on my desk."

You heard a soft okay back, smiling to yourself. You truly did love those two, no matter how stupid they could be. Finishing up, you wiped, flushed, and washed your hands; exiting the bathroom. As you entered your bedroom and approached your desk, you noticed your food was no where to be found. And to make the situation worse, your textbook, notebook, and pencil was gone.

You gritted your teeth, turning around in time to see a blur run past your bedroom. "Damien!" You shouted, rushing out of your room and to the dining room to spot the man, grinning; holding your items. "Give them back."

STRAWBERRY DAZE.            teratophilia oneshots. Where stories live. Discover now