Neighbors and Dangers

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"oh, Miss Kane is that you?" I heard as I was heading down the darkened stairwell. When I turned I saw Margret, the old woman who lived across from me, poking her head out the door. "Yes ma'am" I smiled looking back up the stairs to her wrinkly little face."oh thank heavens, small fry is out of food again would you mind grabbing him a baggie?' she gave me a toothless grin and I nodded slowly " yes ma'am" I smiled " I won't be back till later today but I'll be sure to grab some " I smiled and gave her a little wave and heading back down my path.

By the time I exited the side door of the apartment buildings the noise of the city had already infiltrated my ears. Honking horns, yelling at pedestrians, and thrumming on overturned buckets and cans. "Hey, Jordan!" I threw my arm in the air waving to him and like every day he raised a hand back to me before returning to his show for adoring strangers. I trekked down the street dodging out of the way of other folk and rounded the corner, stepping into the little café called 'Beany Business" and headed for my spot in line as conversations filled the air around me. I recognized some of the heads that poked from each booth and seat. Mr. Bowell who ran the shoe store off elm road, Mrs. Greiner and her two kids who were trying to flick a sugar packet through their football post fingers, and Chris Kohrman, an older gentleman who wore a little bow tie and button-up shirt with goofy patterns each day and always had a cup of black coffee as he read the newspaper. I gave each a small wave as I walked past before reaching the counter and seeing my dear friend Angela "Karma!" she squealed, leaning slightly over the counter so only I would hear as she spoke "Saw you on tv again last night girlie, you're looking so good" she squealed "when are you gonna let me meet him?" she clasped her hands together and hugged them to her chest " Angi, hush " I giggled " I'll talk to him again okay?' I smiled "but for right now can I get a Carmel latte? Large please " I smiled. " yea yea I know" she shook her head instantly handing me the disposable coffee cup " I already had it made" I rolled my eyes and handed her a five before heading out the same way I can. Despite being the poorer side of town it was always full of life. Music filled the streets from passing cars or reformers and everyone knew everyone. After all, no one could afford a proper babysitter so we all depended on our friends and neighbors for everything. Need a pipe fixed? Oh, Dan down the street has you covered! Birthday cake? Betty is the best baker I know, here's her number! Not saying everything was always perfect but we all knew the place as home and would defend it till the world's end.

My phone began to buzz in my pocket and I immediately knew who it was. I slipped it out of my pocket and looked at the selfie Mark had taken of himself on my phone and rolled my eyes before clicking the little green button and pressing it to my ear "Karma Kane" I mumbled "Karma, I just got an invite from that one dude on the billboard outside my house!" mark yelled into the phone " Wow billboard guy huh? Happen to know his name? Because I don't live at your house Mark" I rolled my eyes and gave a quick smile to another friendly face I saw "It's uuuuh...." I heard him stumbling around probably to the window "Mike Lavish" he read. "Oh god, that politician?" I groaned "You know I hate dealing with those guys, they're corrupt Mark" "They're not corrupt Karma, not everyone with power is corrupt. You and I should know that better than anyone" I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see "When and where?" "Tuesday night at the capitol building. And yes there will be press there so you can wear your little mask although, maybe try and get something that's not so... beat up, okay? This is a ball so we need lavish gowns and pretty faces. I'm sure you can manage" The way he said the last line came off as if he was trying to insult her. To say 'try and look nice for once'. "Yea yea whatever, I'll see you. Text me the details" and before he could get a response I hung up the phone. "Dang it..." I groaned and turned on my heel heading in the opposite direction to get in the subway.

By the time it reached the uptown area I immediately began heading for the thrift store where I usually got all my clothes for Marks's special events that I got dragged into. It was a two-story shop that took up the corner on the side of the road and was more like an antique store than anything. There were shops closer to home than this one but I didn't want anyone I know to be asking about where I might be going or maybe even recognize the dress. "Hi Arthur" I smiled a little as the little bell rang above my head. "ah you again" the old man mumbled "We haven't gotten a lot of new clothes but you can still look around " he called after her before burying his face into his newspaper. I gave a slight nod before heading to where I knew he kept all the clothes. I skimmed trinkets, weird salt and pepper shakers, and an ungodly amount of lamps on the way but nothing caught my eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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