Blibo gives Frodo a bath

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One day Frodo was playing in the mud and he ran into the house and his uncle bumped into him and said " oh my lad why are you covered with mud. " because I was playing with it I was playing in the mud. Said Frodo as he tried to hug his uncle is, uncle said " no hugging until I get you clean. Then blibo carried his nephew, all the way to the bathroom, and filled up the tub  with water and got him into the tub and washed away the mud from his feet and hair and then his whole body. " now you can hug me Frodo said his uncle as he got him dressed
And they went to play outside, but they stayed away from the mud that day . And they spent the rest of the day inside the house, baking cookies, and cuddling together on the couch, while reading a book and eating homemade cookies and drinking some delicious chocolate milk.

 And they spent the rest of the day inside the house, baking cookies, and cuddling together on the couch, while reading a book and eating homemade cookies and drinking some delicious chocolate milk

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