In Darkness

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In Darkness:

A short story on a boy that decides that everything is to much...


He can feel it. The black fluids of hatred and loneliness creeping through his veins. It surrounds him, concealing his heart in a icy shell. He thinks to himself "Was I born to feel this way?". The sadness weighs him down like a large ball and chain, dragging behind a tattered leg. The feelings have been building and building, day by day getting heavier and heavier until he arrived at the conclusion that it was too much to bear. The option was always there lurking in the dark, tempting him with a means to end it all, but only truly emerged in his desperate cocoon of sorrow. He pressed the gun to his temple and thought of the life he had led and the things he had aspired for once, but now it seemed obsolete. The darkness slowly surrounded him, whispering thoughts of sadness and despair. It had him now, coursing through his veins like a poison. The world began to spin, faster and faster, beckoning him to let go. The boy knew he needs to do it. He rests his cold, shaking hands on the smooth trigger. The wind howls outside as the walls shake. Voices call out to him from those dead and alive, chanting a tune of death. His stomach ties in knots to the point where he can barely breathe. He becomes chilled to the bone, even though the dusk air is warm. The little voice in his head tells him he will be ok, but he can't believe it. How could he after the sadness he had endured over his lifetime. Life had lost all its cause, becoming nothing more than a game. A tear falls down his cheek as his finger begins to pressure the stiff trigger. The wind howl louder, almost creating a beat for the ever increasing chanting. The world spins at a sickening speed as the gun seems to say " do it, I can take it all away". His life flashed before his eyes as he pulled the trigger. The night became calm as his soul faded into the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2013 ⏰

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