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"Hey Josephine!" Maude said as she ran up towards her friend, the two were first going to watch a movie before then going shopping. "Oh hey aude how have you been my love?" Josephine said as she turned a around, she went in for a hug from her friend as she smiled. "I've been good, what about you?" Maude said with a smile as they stopped hugging.

"Me too, i have been busy with the studies! I'm so sad I can't have a vacay off, but my parents can't afford it and i can't either." Josephine said with a shrug, she wasn't heavily poor. She wasn't the type of poor to wonder if they're still would be food on the dinner plate, she felt almost lucky to always have food laying around at the house.

She was more the type of 'poor' that can't go on vacation for longer then 5 days, most of the time she would have to wait 2 years maybe to go on a vacation for about 3 days. She wasn't poor, but she wasn't rich either. She wasn't that rich that could make her snap her fingers and it would come to her, she had to work for what she wanted. Her parents taught her that too, they taught her that life doesn't come with gifts and sometimes we have to make our own gifts.

Maude was the opposite, she was born in wealth. Her mom was an actress while her dad was a footballer, those two careers get a lot money if successfull. Maude was an only child, she hadn't worked for money ever, Josephine was lucky to have her as a friend. Although Maude got everything she wanted, she wasn't a apoiled brat who would cry if she didn't get the jewelry she wanted.

Although she had never had to work for a single piece of clothing she would wear, she still had amazing dreams that she wanted to accomplish on her own. She more used the money of her parents for vacations and party's she would host, she would keep some money asside for her Future children so she could give them a future. Josephine knew maeve was going to be an amazing mother.

Although that was the both of them weren't thinking about. Josephine was studying psychology in Harvard, she had to spend all her live saving up to study at such a high place. Maude was studying STEM, STEM was science, technology, engineering and maths. Maude was a smart girl, she would always try her best in school. She wanted to be become something bigger then her parents, she wanted to create her own name.

Although maude looked like you're typical high-class girl, she wasn't like that. She gave free classes on how to engineer something small, it was something her parents founded for her as she needed something more exciting in her life. Josephine couldn't help but wonder what she would do with that much money, she would for sure spend lots on her future for her kids.

Josephine wasn't jealouse of the fortune that maeve held, maude was always open to share. She was even willing to help pay Harvard for josephine, but she wouls decline as she didn't want to be in debt with someone close as she knew she would never be able to pay them back. Josephine was happy she had a friend like maeve, most of the time meave felt more like a sister then a friend.

"So what have you been up to?" Maude asked, she placed her sunglasses on her head so she could make eye contact with her friend. "Just studying for next year because it will get more challenging, i need to do better." Josephine sighed as she remembered the pile of books that layed on her desk, maude sighed as she also thought about how much josephine actually studies.

"I'm saying this as you're bestie, you need a break." Maude said as she placed a hand on her shoulder, josephine sighed as she smiled a bit. "I would but my parent's can't afford another vacation, and i need to save up for Harvard." Josephine sighed as she shrugged, maude was well aware of the situation josephine was in. Josephine sighed as she kept watching her phone on any updates about how she did her last exams of her second year.

She had been stressing all week for it but they have not been released yet, although her teacher would calm her down and tell her that she was definitely going to get another year she was still stressed. "Listen, it will all be okay. You're a smart girl, and if they fail you i'll sue them." Maude said with a shrug, josephine laughed slightly at her friend comment.

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