Chapter 24

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The first version of this story was written from Charles' dragon's point of view, with his thoughts, and I thought it would be worth a try to leave it that way. Enjoy :)

The day after Chapter 23

Well, that was a good night's sleep, but now I am hungry! And I can't see any tasty-yummy fish here! I think it's time to wake Charles up so he can get me some!

How should I do it? Should I try to bite his toes? Noo, he might kick me down from the bed. Then I will try the Trampoline Method.

Boing, boing! Charles' belly is really a trampoline! Here comes the second method:

"Chaaarles! Chaarles! I am huungryyy!"

That was my makes-every-human-go-crazy-squeak! Oops, that might wake the others and I don't want to spoil the fun for my friends! Then I'll have to stick with jumpiinngg!

Yaay, he opened his eyes! Finally!

"Hey, what are you doing? Leave me alone, it's still dark outside!" he says. He is grumpy.

No! I am sure the sun is already up! It's just the curtain which blocks the light! Uh-oh, my dear rider is about to fall asleep again!

"Chaarles! I am hungry, don't fall asleep pleeaaase!" I squeak.

Well, that worked! Hehehe, he is so surprised!

"You can talk?"

"Well, what do you think, what am I doing?" I squeak, holding my head sideways. I don't know if my squeaking is talking or not, but he understands what I squeak and he understands what other humans say, so I think it's the same.

He is still staring at me like the dead fish when I ate yesterday. I thought he was a quicker thinker than that!

"And, by the way, my name is Tharion and only you can understand what I'm saying but everyone understands what you reply."

Fiiiinaalllyyy, he seems to grasp what I am trying to say.

"That's so cool!"

"I know it's cool, but pleeaase let's go because I AM HUNGRY!"

Noo, he still doesn't want to get up. Let's try to pull off his blanket! Pull! Pull! Pull! Hey, he is pulling it back! Oh yes, he gave up! Oh no, that blanket was SO fluffy! And my rider thinks it's funny when I'm trying to get all that fluff out of my mouth!

Whoops, he's about to stand up! Hehehe, he almost fell back when I jumped into his hood! This is my favourite place! Thank you whoever-who-made-this-hoodie for thinking about little dragons and making the perfect place for me!

I was right! Here, in the huge-fish-eating room, the sun is already drawing some funny shapes on the ground!

"Good morning," Charles greets the short-hair-papa-rider.

"Hi, Charles! Have you slept well?"

"Yes, although this bundle of mischief in my hood woke me up because he is hungry. Actually, he was jumping on my belly until I got up."

I sat up and bit Charles' ear. He was the one who didn't get up fast enough!

"Stop, that's not food!" he says. You can't trick me, I know you are not mad! And short-hair-papa-rider knows it too! He smiles like yesterday when my friends tricked the riders with the fish!

"Hi Charles! How is your arm?" the stringy-hair-papa-rider says as he comes into the room.

Oops, I almost forgot that! I was a bad dragon... But I think it is better. I just feel it.

"It's a lot better," Charles says. Just to make sure he puts his bandaged wrist back into the pocket.

Hehehe, Charles' belly rumbled so loud they surely heard it in the small-dark-sleeping-room!

"You are hungry, too!" I squeak. He rolls his eyes in response.

"There are some fish in that bucket over there," short-hair-papa-rider says just when Charles' Sleeping Beauty friend arrives with his dragon Helios.

/ / / / / / | \ \ \ \ \ \

What do you think about Tharion?

By the way, happy birthday, Carlos! 🕯🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🕯

(I know I'm a few hours late but I couldn't finish the chapter in time)

Edited 16.04.2024

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