The French Help the Americans Beat the British in the American Revolution II

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Once upon a time, it was a sunny day, and Gregory of Yardale was skipping around and being a stupid fucking bitch. He had a cup of tea in his hand which is really gross. Tea belongs in the ocean, idiot. His blonde hair that probably looks like ramen when he doesn't shower was blowing in the wind like an american flag (not a british flag)

Ze Mole, a mostly innocent french bystander, saw this and was absolutely horrified to his core. "What ze fuck." he said. 

"Oh, hello there!" Gregory said in a British accent because he's british. "Is there a problem?" Of course there fucking is you dummy. 

"Of course there is you fucking dummy." Ze Molerat said. "You are British." 

"Excuse me." Greg argued. "I am not a dummy. I'll have you know I had a 4.0 gpa at Yard-"

Before the british dude could finish his sentence, Ze Mold took a metal pipe which he thought was a shovel but he was too high to give a crap, and bonked Gregory on the head with it. Gregory  got knocked out. His head went 'crack' like the stuff Mole sniffs. 

"Yay. We win ze war." Zee Mole exclaimed. Everyone in the world saw and was so happy. They started breakdancing in celebration of the british defeat. 



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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