Chapter 2: Days Gone By...

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~1-2 weeks later~

It's been 16 days since I've been searching around for tools, weapons and people, if there are any, in the hospital. I found a truck and a broken down car. Also some bandages, aid kits, automobile parts, a motorcycle, lights, knives, daggers and some guns and food. But I don't think I was near anyone who was alive.
I walked down the hallways, looking for anything, just anything! I could use to find someone. I looked in a employees only room and found a large, rusty key.
"I might need this....."
I stuck the key in my back pocket and kept on walking.

Later that day, at 11:00 PM, I found a humungous, rusty, black door with locks and chains everywhere. I took out the large key and stuck it in a bigger, but newer, lock.
".....hmm....." I looked at how many locks there was that were chained up against the 2 doors. I peeked through a window that was in the door but only saw 1-4 lights that flashed. But then when I moved my eyes to the right....I saw rainbow type flashes.
"What is in there...?" I spoke out softly touching the chains. As I touched them, they all fell and the door was completely un-covered. I stared at shock and the two doors opened as if someone pushed them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2015 ⏰

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