Prologue: The Birth of a Tribe

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Imperial Citadel, Dromund Kaas, (3642 BBY),

It was a dark and dreary day at the Sith Imperial Citadel on Dromund Kaas. There were Harrower class Dreadnoughts above the city as the Sith Empire was preparing for a strike against the Old Republic on Belsavis. Inside the citadel, a Sith Lord with a silver mask was meditating as he was a troubled Lord who struggled to find a way to defeat Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach. His mediation was then interrupted by service droid 2V-R8.

"Excuse me sir," 2V-R8 said. "But Lord Marr requests that you prepare for the capture of Belsavis."

"Very well," The Sith Lord said. "I'll depart immediately."

As he arrived at his Fury Class Imperial Interceptor, 2V-R8 escorted him to the cockpit and they landed at the Harrower class dreadnought known as The Omen. He then contacted Darth Marr of the Dark Council as he arrived on the bridge.

"My lord," the Sith Lord said as he knelt down on one knee. "I have the fleet on standby to mobilize for Belsavis."

"Very good," Marr said. "I will join you shortly. I trust that you, Adari Khai, will change the tides of the Great Galactic War."

"I will not fail you," Adari said. "I'll launch the strike immediately."



As the Sith Fleet launched the attack on Belsavis, the Old Republic requested reinforcements of more Valor class cruisers arrived and destroyed two of the Sith warships causing Marr to issue a retreat back to Dromund Kaas.

However as The Omen began to jump into hyperspace, it took a devastating hit from one of the Valor cruisers causing it to take them to a planet known as Kesh. As the dreadnought began to head towards the surface, the crew aboard began to evacuate and Adari and several other Sith Warriors, Inquisitors, and Sith Troopers boarded the Fury class Interceptor and jetted out of the hangar while more used escape pods to escape. Everyone watched as The Omen crashed onto the surface and they landed the ship near the wreckage.

"So what now my lord?" A Sith Inquisitor asked. "Our ship has been destroyed and we have no means to contact the Lord Marr or the Dark Council."

"We must make refuge here," Adari said. "I have been communing with a Sith Meditation sphere and he has guided me throughout the conflict, it told me that I need to find a system to spread our influence and it turns out that this planet is strong with the Force."

"If we can recruit some of the local Keshiri," the Inquisitor said. "This could benefit us in the long term."

"Precisely," Adari said. "From this moment on, I will establish a Lost Tribe of Sith to protect this planet from any threats and I will be it's first Grand Lord."

The Sith tribe then knelt and began to colonize on their new home by salvaging the wreckage of The Omen to manufacture buildings and temples.

"One day," Adari said as his eyes glowed with the setting sun. "The Lost Tribe will play a crucial role in galactic history and shape the galaxy for the better. I have foreseen it."

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