dont forget to kiss me (or else you'll have to miss me)

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After getting eliminated and flushed up into some icy area from the God-awful toilet, I was found by some locals and was given a place to stay for a while.

They had cable and I was able to continue watching the rest of the total drama season, just for fun
NOT for Alejandro.

The last words he said to me after getting me eliminated repeated in my mind every day, thinking about the consequence of what would happen when he exits the show, where would he be? Does he even think about me?

All my thoughts were proven wrong within the upcoming episode when Alejandro had to fight with his older brother, which was a touchy subject as you could see throughout the show.
As José said, "Your technique is almost as embarrassing as your girlfriend with the unattractive personality embarrassed you on national television"

what the fuck?

The weird guilty feeling returned at the mention of betraying Alejandro, I then rolled my eyes at the reference to calling me Alejandro's girlfriend as the next few seconds caught me by surprise.

As Alejandro was standing up to his older brother, a particular part caught my full attention.

"And this is for calling any aspect of Heather unattractive"

I felt a light blush appear on my face which then increased as the scene cut to the next with Alejandro saying, "Heather I know you watching, call me"

I felt the feeling in my throat feel heavier as I felt myself smile to myself, what has he done to me?

He is the first boy who has ever shown interest in me even after finding my true personality, he even found it attractive. While also breaks a family code by hitting his brother in the face!! All the while I also had feelings for him!

Not that he'd ever properly get it out of me, it was fair on his side for me to get eliminated early but I have to show him that he can't just have me like that, he'll have to work for it!

As the moment in the show repeated continuously in my head, I didn't pay attention to the rest of the episode and thought about those few sentences he said. Not that I'll ever tell him I care

What will happen when he's back?


Alejandro soon faces his karma and then gets eliminated from manipulation by Mal which, most people saw coming, but out of my luck, he was going land in the same area I was in, so I was asked by the total drama execs to go get him and then wait a day to then get flown back to Toronto.

I then left and drove around until I found him.
And then, I found him. Still after being flushed into a toilet he still managed to look like a Lana Del Rey song. His face lit up at the sight of me, I soon wiped it off his face as I slapped him. He returned with a smile and said "I missed you too" I smiled at him back and he then got on the back of the ski to the lodge.

"Well it's nice to see you, Heather," Alejandro says as we enter the lodge keeping his eyes on me, I go to look at him back and he looks nervous. I quickly look away and try to make myself busy, I then say, "Yeah sure whatever, We get picked up and flown back to Toronto tomorrow, by the way," I say avoiding his gaze.

"Heather" he hesitated trying to get my full concentration, "You know, I meant everything I said after you were gone"

I turned to look at him and the usual arrogant smirk that was always plastered onto his face was replaced with nervousness and emotion, the last time I saw him like this was at first class a year ago, as we held eye contact, the feeling in my throat moved to stomach, why do I feel so nervous? He's just a boy!

I was trying to keep myself as confident as I could be but as he moved his hand from his side to my face I could feel myself slipping into becoming vulnerable with him, what would the consequences be?

What if I let him in and he realises that he should've never given me a chance and that he could never forgive me for ruining his life for 2 years?

Without realising I find myself saying to him, "Really?"

He smiles softly and starts to say, "I normally would never forgive anyone for what you did, but it is kind of" he paused
"What?" I say, "Your fault?"
"Well yeah, I let my arrogance get in the way and you humbled me, some would say"
"Yeah, whatever," I say as I go to walk away,
"Heather" Alejandro says and stops me by grabbing my arm to turn me around to look at him.

We were now face-to-face with each other and our noses were nearly touching, "I'm sorry, like genuinely sorry" I mumbled.

"Is Heather Kasuga saying sorry for the first time in her life?" Alejandro spoke while smiling at her.
"Well it's the only one you will ever get so don't get cocky about it," I poked back at him while smiling back at him.

As we were both avoiding the heavy tension that hung in the air, Alejandro started, "Heather you know how I feel about you and I know you feel the same, you just have to accept it"

I think to myself for a moment, does he mean it?
I look up to look at him again and his eyes look vulnerable, he's being honest. I look away and get lost back in thought

If I was being honest with myself and everything else, I'm in love with him. But he can't just have me immediately, he has to work for it.

I turn my eyes back to him and then confess, "Fine, sure, I also have feelings for you, and I'm fine for us to start something but,"

Alejandro's face lightens up at the confession then replies, "But what?"

"You have to work for it, when we get back to real life you have to take me out on a nice date, and then I'll think about the future for us," I answer, the butterflies flying around in my stomach to my throat stay in place as I see the both of us smile at each other.

"Well trust me, mi amor, you will envision the best date you have ever been on," he promises.

"Well," I feel the blood rush into my cheeks, " whatever, I now need my beauty sleep to get ready to go back to the real world, goodnight Alejandro," I say to him trying to cover up the wave of worries in my throat to show him that I have the upper hand between us.

"Okay Heather, I'm sure such beauty as yours values the sleep you need," Alejandro stated,
"Zip it!" I shout back at him, knowing that he can't see, I smile at the flirtatious comment.


As it now is nearly midday and I and Alejandro am being taken back to Toronto by an emergency helicopter, we haven't spoken since last night, so I was waiting till we got back to the airport so we could properly exchange numbers so I could go on the promised date.

Soon we landed in Toronto, I heard the voice Alejandro saying, "So Heather I think I'm due a phone number from a very pretty lady,"

I turn around to look at him and blush, "Well first I think I'm owed a goodbye kiss just so you won't have to miss me until you bring me on the most extravagant date ive ever been on," returning the confidence, I write down my number and give it to him.

"May your wish be my command" he grinned, he then brought his lips to mine and we kissed, properly, this time. No prize money, no burning volcano and no competition between them, just peace, I broke away from the kiss and left by saying "Bye Alejandro" I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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