Part 1 :

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Wei Ying was in his apartment. He was playing with his little kitty Mei.

Wei Ying looked up when he heard the door bell rang.

Wei Ying, "Now who is it at this time? Is it again that....." .

Wei Ying sighed and then got up. He went near the door and opened it. He sighed because as always there was a flower basket with many chocolates at the door step on which was written 'My deep love for you'.

Wei Ying irritatingly said,"who the hell is this person? Why doesn't he show up? It's been a month since this person is sending me flower basket. Urghh...its too much".

Wei Ying went inside his apartment. In the bushes a person was sitting. He called someone saying 'all done boss'. Then that person cut the phone call and went away from there.


Lan Wangji was sitting in his office. He was staring intensely at the picture he was holding in his hand.

Wangji said talking to the picture, "Bunny! You told me that you'll accept me after I become successful. Now I am successful. I'll meet you soon. I'll show you myself one day. I'll tell you how deep my love is for you".

Wangji softly caressed the picture. He had a broken smile on his face. But he steadied himself and kept the picture in his pocket after he heard a knock at the door.

Wangji, "Come in".

The door opened. Wangji's secretary Song lan entered.

Song Lan said, "Boss! The meeting will start in the next 10 minutes".

Wangji, "OK I'm coming".

Song Lan nodded and then left. Wangji also got up from his seat. He Steadied his neck tie and his coat. Wangji wore his mask which covered his half face....his lips were only visible (its a party mask, ok). He then went out of his office.


Wei Ying was sitting in his room. He was looking at the gifts that someone has been sending him since a month. Wei ying doesn't know who that person is.

Wei Ying thought, "Who is this person. I think he loves me a lot but.... I can't accept that person if he came infront of me one day heart is already someone else's. Im patiently waiting for that person. I wish he comes to me soon. Lan Wangji! How long are you going to make me wait. Its been 8 years. Come back... I miss you so much".

Wei Ying had tears in his eyes. He remembered the time when "he and wangji were 18 years old and wangji confessed his love to wei ying but wei ying refused Wangji by saying that "wei ying will accept Wangji only if he becomes successful man one day".

Wei Ying and wangji were classmates since grade 7th. Wangji was a quiet boy. Wei ying used to tease wangji. He wanted to become Wangji's friend but wangji didnt gave mich attention to him. At last, wei ying got successful in making wangji his friend.

At the age of 14, wangji started developing feelings for wei ying. He already felt different around wei ying. He knew that the feelings he has for wei ying arent like friends have among themselves. wangji didn't understood that these are feelings of love...that is for a partner not a friend. Wangji ignored his new feelings but at the age of 16 he got confirmed about his feelings.

Wangji decided that he'll confess to wei ying on his 18th birthday. But wei ying refused to accept Wangji's feelings for the time being. Wangji was upset but he then decided that he'll wait for wei ying.

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