Chapter 1 - Yer a Wizard, Harry

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The first Chapter will be here as just a little intro. We will go through it quickly as I'm sure many already know the story. The main differences that this fic is based on will be introduced in this chapter.

Harry lay on the ground in the little sea shack they were in. What an odd few days it had been; vanishing glass, owls everywhere, a thousand letters pouring out of every nook and cranny in the Dursley home, why, Harry had not so much fun in, well...ever.

Alas, he now found himself on the cold, hard, sandy floor. He looked over at his cousin's watch and found that in ten minutes' time, he'd be eleven years old. 

Five minutes and he heard some peculiar noises outside. Probably the old house. It better not collapse. That storm outside was raging and the house was rather old a rickety.

Three minutes and there was some slapping sound. Did waves really sound so loud against the rocks? odd.

His musings were interrupted by seeing that there was one minute to go. Thirty seconds... twenty... ten - nine -... - three - two - one -

The whole shack shook under a loud boom. He shot upright in fright. This was it, the house was going to come crashing down on them. Damn, he'd only just made it to eleven. Eleven for all of one second and he was going to die from being unfortunately squashed under the rickety old shack that was finally collapsing. Sad, really- 

"Where's the cannon?" Dudley asked, half-asleep as he finally woke after the second resounding boom.

There was a crash behind them and Uncle Vernon came out baring a rifle. "Who's there?" the great fat man shouted. "I warn you - I'm armed!"

There was a pause in the knocking - which Harry finally realized with relief was knocking, and then a new fear bubbled up because some maniac had just crossed frigid stormy waters to get here. What absolute psycho- CRASH!

The door swung right of its hinges and landed with a deafening crash to the floor.

A large man with a wild mane covering his face and two beetle-black eyes peaking through, squeezed through the doorway. "Sorry 'bout that." He apologised rather casually and picked up the fallen door, placing in back against the frame to help stop the freezing outside air from completely filling the shack.

He strode over to the sofa where Dudley was still sat frozen in fear. "Budge up, yeh great lump," growled the strange man who was still far too casual in all of this.

Dudley squeaked and ran over to his parents, finally unfrozen.

"An' here's Harry!" he beamed at the raven-haired boy who looked confused and more than a bit weary. "Las' time I saw you, you was only a baby. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but yeh've got yer mum's eyes."

After much talking, great confusion on Harry's end, and pure rage mixed with fear and disgust from Uncle Vernon, all was explained. Sort of. For one statement from Hagrid sent Harry's world into a slight spin.

"Yer a wizard, Harry."

"I'm a what?"

"A wizard, o'course." the man, Hagrid, leaned back casually on the sofa.


Currently, Harry found himself walking alongside the half-giant in a magical place called Diagon Alley. He walk alongside his savior, the angel he'd prayed for many a night to take him away from the Dursleys. And so what if the angel was a massive man with a beard so large you couldn't see his face, who'd come crashing into a shack out on the ocean in the middle of nowhere on a night that not a single being would willingly set foot out in, like some lunatic - beggars can't be choosers, and all that hodge podge.

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