Chapter X The End Of It All

Start from the beginning

Lincoln held onto his throat as he tried to regain his breath. Lincoln's body ached from the force of the impact. He tried to push himself to his feet but struggled through the pain. Jill rushed over to him and helped pull to his feet. Lincoln's limp turned into a jog as we ran towards the elevator. A tentacle shot out of the fire and wrapped around Jill's ankle. It started to pull her back into the flames. Lincoln pulled his knife out of its sheath. He rushed towards the flames and dropped to the floor. Lincoln drove his knife into the tentacle.

It thrashed about as The Nemesis shrieked in pain.  Lincoln helped Jill to her feet and they both ran onto the elevator platform. Lincoln doubled over to take a breath while Jill pressed the button to activate the platform. The elevator rose up as the hallway was completely engulfed by the fireball. The walls and floor exploded as the flames spread.

The elevator rose up to the next floor. It rose up into another maintenance room. Various tools scattered the room. Jill stopped to take a breath as Lincoln approached the single door of the room. The door had a large wheel. Lincoln started to turn the wheel to unlock the door when Jill posed a question.

"We have terrible luck, don't we?" Jill asked me.

"You're telling me. Everywhere we turn that fucker is trying to kill us," Lincoln responded.

"You think it's finally dead?" Jill asked hopefully.

"I don't think we're that lucky." Lincoln finished turning the wheel and pushed the door open. They found themselves  in a massive chamber of some kind. They stood on yet another catwalk that descended some stairs. There was a large observation room to the left. There was a massive pit in the middle. The pit was surrounded by eight tanks that were marked by number.

"What in God's name is this place?" Jill asked.

"It looks like a waste disposal area for Umbrella," Lincoln responded. They started walking down the catwalk. As they were descending the stairs  they heard a loud bang from the where they had just come. The duo watched in horror as The Nemesis ripped through the door they had just walked through. It saw the couple and roared with fury.

"Shit, the fucker found us! Jill, run!" Lincoln yelled at her. Lincoln and Jill started rushing down the stairs. The creature grabbed onto the railing and pulled itself forward as it charged at them on all fours. It jumped over the railing and landed on the stairs ahead of them.

The stairs collapsed under the weight of The Nemesis. The walkway fell to the side as the creature was thrown from it. Jill and Lincoln grabbed onto the railing. They held onto the railing as well as they could. A far fall awaited them if they lost their grip.

The walkway now sat at a forty-five-degree angle It barely held onto the walkway behind it. The Nemesis grabbed onto the railing with its tentacle in an attempt to get to them. The walkway was pulled down to a ninety-degree angle as the creature lost its grip. It tumbled down into the middle of the pit at the center of the room. As it fell, Lincoln and Jill lost the grips on the railing. The duo fell ten feet to the flat platform at the bottom. Their backs slammed into the platform with a painful thud.

The impact knocked the wind out of them. Lincoln laid flat on his back as he tried  to recover from the hit. Jill landed on her side and rolled off of the platform. She groaned in pain as she grabbed onto the edge of the platform. She was holding on to avoid falling into the pit of The Nemesis.

The impact had knocked the vaccine out of Lincoln's pocket. The vaccine rolled on the floor of the platform they stood on. Lincoln choose to help Jill first. He ignored trying to catch his breath. Lincoln approached the edge and kneeled down to offer Jill his hand.

"Jill, grab my ha-" Lincoln wasn't able to finish as he felt a strong kick to his back. The kick sent him forward as he tumbled over the edge.

"Lincoln!" Jill called out. Lincoln landed on his back as he rolled down the slanted edge.

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