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Lewis Dee

It was my first day at work after yonks of joblessness. My stepmom had always nagged about my joblessness not thinking of the state her son,my stepbrother was in. He was a dry-cleaning agent in the shop of one of his juniors back in high school. I sighed, finally I'd be able to prove to all those out there underestimating me that I'm actually Lewis Dee the female child who's an acting male child.

I paid the cab man and made my way to the plaza where I was to work. It was a male beauty plaza and I was going to be the only female worker. I cared less about that as I was so damn desperate to find a work for myself. Even before today, my first day I had already budgeted my salary for the month. That alone shows I had a lot of things I needed money for.

I heaved a sigh.

Cartz Exquisite Barbershop. I read out loud. This felt amazing, too amazing to be real. I smiled to myself and looked at myself head to toe to ensure I was good to go. I was, I dressed like a tomboy like always, I wore a pair of cargo pants, white t- shirt and sneakers. Just as I was about to go in a thought hit me. Didn't I dress too rich? As I was thinking on what to do as I really don't know how people dressed in there, a guy came down from a limo. He was dressed in foreign style, I really couldn't figure out the name but it was beautiful.

I shrugged off crush on him and entered the plaza. I met the receptionist already in the reception going about the work for the day. I greeted him and he returned it with a nod. I got confused not knowing what to say next. Since I entered the reception he hadn't looked up from his computer and when he did he wore a muddled face. I easily guessed the reason for the look,no one would all of a sudden expect a female worker in a place restricted to only male. I had to introduce myself but to be honest I didn't know where to start.

He took another look at me and said. "your hair's so long."

I giggled and nodded. "Can I see the manager?" I asked.

"Wait ... Are you the new female barber?" He asked and I nodded. Well then that meant he wasn't muddled on seeing a female here. He gave me a ghost of smile and looked impressed. "nice. The manager has been waiting for your arrival."

"Ohh, I'm so sorry for making him wait." At that lots of thoughts started running through my mind. What if I got sacked at my first day for making him wait?

"You don't have to be, he walked in not up to five minutes ago. His office is on the 16th floor, the first room to the left." He informed. He gave me a worker's ID card and I headed towards the elevator.

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