' Is this the place?,' she glance the tall dark castle.

She was then greeted by three beautiful women. Lily gasped in fear as she thought they would harm her.

" Shh, There's no need to fear us," The woman with raven hair patted her head gently.

' Their accents seem foreign to me,' Lily thought.

" We'll take you to our master," Marishka said. Turning into her bat form. Bringing the girl with her.

The two women turned into their bat forms.

' Is this what they call "vampires" ?,' Lily thought.

Lily's foot met the marbled floor. The three women behind her.

Infront of her was a fireplace and a man seating in one of the couches.

" Is that her?, My dear?," The man asked. In thick foregin accent.

" Yes Master, she is quite...young," Verona said.

" Is she now?," The count turned to the small form of the young girl.

Lily gasped and bowed down her head.

" I'm Lily sir, My father sent me here to serve you," She said quietly.

" Yes I have heard of it, but I didn't expect our maid to be a child," The count said.

He glance to her belongings that was wrapped in a blanket.

" Are those your belongings?, Are they enough?," He asked.

" Yes sir," She repiled.

" Well, Let's get to the discussion, You will obey every rule we give you, every order we ordered you," He paused for a while.

" If we tell you to run, you run, If we tell you to die, You die," He said in a stern tone.

The three womem were beyong shock with their masters commands.

They knew he was merciless, but to a child?

" Yes sir," She said. Still with her head bow down.

" Verona, take her to her room," The man said. The woman nodded and took her.

The walk with the woman was silent.

" how old are you?, child," Verona asked. Unlocking the door to the guest room.

" 11, Ma'am," She said.

' such a young age?, What is her bastard of a father thinking?,' Verona thought.

" Here is your room, feel free to rest whenever you need it, Dinner will be ready soon," She said.

" Oh!, I could make my own dinner you don't have to, just that, where's the kitchen?," Lily asked.

" Downstairs to the left, you may use it for your supper," She said.

" Thank you, ma'am," Lily bowed in respect.

Verona sent her a warming smile. Before closing the door.

' What an odd child, Children her age would cause chaos and be as troublesome as they age but not her?,' She thought.

" How is she my darlings?," Dracula asked. Turning his attention to his brides.

" Master, she is a human how could you bring her here!," Aleera snarled.

" She will be serving us, nothing more nothing less," He said. Pacing the room.

Verona seemed to be in deep thought.

" Is there something wrong, my love?," The count glance to his eldest bride.

" Oh Darling, isn't it odd for a child like her to be this silent?," Verona asked.

" As soon as she gets here, she always turns her gaze from us, I know there is something wrong with that child," Verona said.

" Well, Whatever it is that has happened to her, It is not any of my concerns," The count said.

The two brides, Marishka and Verona were shock with their master's words.

" Master, How could you say such thing!, This may be a maid but she is a child!, and isn't it odd that her father had sent us a maid but is a child?!," Verona asked.

Dracula snarled loudly at his eldest bride. Causing her to hiss away. Whimpering in fear.

" She is a human!, Always bear that in mind, my dear," He said.

" Y-Yes master," Verona whispered.

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