Chapter 8

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Riley's pov:
I wake up before my alarm. My windows still creaked open letting in the noise of the rain. James's arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I wish I could stay like this forever. My storing causes him to wake up. "Morning beautiful" he says after kissing my cheek. I turn and reposition my hands on his neck and tuck my head on his onto his shoulder. "I gotta go, my parents are gonna wake up soon." He tells me. "I'll see you at school." I say looking up at him. He gives me a kiss and then gets up to find his clothes. I reach for my phone and see a bunch of unread messages from Emily.

She was ranting to me about what happened last night between her and James. "Hey James?" I say. He turns his head towards me and I hold up phone to show him the messages. "What do I say? I don't think I can hide from her what we did." "Hey I'll handle this." James says seeing the sadness on my my face. "Don't e-." "Even worry about it, I know." I say beating him to it. He smiles and kisses me on the forehead, and leaves through the window. I try to go back to sleep but I can't stop smiling. Before I know it my alarm goes off. Now I have to face Emily.

James's pov:
I was looking forward to fifth period all day. It's the only class me and Riley have together. "Hey gorgeous" I say sitting down next to her. None of our other friends are in this class so we don't have to hide anything. "Heyy" she says smiling. She has the prettiest smile ever. Today we just did a study hall, so any unfinished work from any of our classes. "Have you and Emily talked at all?" She asks me. "Um no. I don't know how lunch is gonna go." I tell her. I wanna be able to be with her in front of our friends but it's not that easy.

We walk to our normal table at lunch and see that Eldon and Emily aren't there. So me and Riley sit down next to each other. "Where's em and Eldon?" Riley asks. "They went to the library to study." Steph tells us. "Bro she's spending a lot of time with Eldon ok?" west asks me. "Yeah I'm good" I say glancing over at Riley. I take her hand underneath the table so Stephanie and west can't see. Soon the bell rings and me and Riley wait for west and Stephanie to leave before I walk her to class.

Emily's pov:
I spent lunch today with Eldon in the library. He's really nice to talk to. I know he had a crush on me when we were little, and usually I don't encourage that, but James and I were going through a rough patch so decided why not. He's not the brightest though, I'm having to do most of the work for our biology project. I think I should talk to James, but honestly I don't want to see him. Maybe talking to Riley will help.

Riley's pov:
I was doing some homework on my laptop when I hear a knock on the window. The biggest smile appears in my face when I open the curtains and see James's face. I let him in and hug him. "I missed you" he tells me. "I'm gonna break up with Emily tonight." I smile once again. He pulls me into a kiss and I fall onto the bed with him on top of me. The door suddenly opens... "wha-

Emily's pov:
I spend a lot of time thinking about mine and james relationship. I decide to ask Riley for a second opinion. Since it's 4pm on a Wednesday, I know she's just doing homework, so I don't bother knocking. I open the door and see her making out with James. My boyfriend. I don't even know what to say to them. I run out of the room and back into mine. I slam the door, lock it, and lean against it sobbing. How could my sister do this to me. How could my boyfriend do this to me. The two people I had left.

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