6 - The Abyss ?

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"Uhhhh.. What?!" Nana exclaims, awkwardly laughing. 

"Do you have the ability to tell the future or something?" Lylia asks, Nana doesn't say anything.

Harith got scared hearing her say so. Maybe she had remember everything, and that would ruin their new friendship. After all, he wiped her memories against her own will. Harith wishes they met each other long before than they originally have. Maybe then Nana would've remembered him, and they could've been like closer. 

The four left the lobby and went on their own ways. Harley and Lylia decided to go to the AI battlefield to go for a 1 v 1, while Harith and Nana decide to hang out for a bit longer. 


Welcome to Mobile Legends!

Five seconds until the enemy reaches the battlefield. 

Smash them! 

All troops deployed!

"Finally, I can be a mid laner again!" Nana exclaims after they just spawned in their base. 

The two leonin were summoned into another match. Both of them didn't mind, as for Nana, this is a routine, and for Harith, he was just glad to be in the battlefield again, after being nerfed so many times. 

The usual match goes on, but this time, Nana's team was losing. A toxic player kept trashtalking the two, which made Nana self-concious about her fighting. After a team fight, all heroes in both teams got killed, except Dyrroth and Harith. 

"We meet again." Dyrroth says, with his robotic voice. Harith just stares at the demon, unsure of his reply. 

Without warning, Dyrroth dashed onto Harith, and casted his skills on him. Harith wasn't able to react that quickly, so he recieved a lot of damage. He tries to run back to the base, but trips on someone's dead body. 

"Notice how we always end up like this, boy?" the demon continues. He was now standing in front of Harith, who was slowly backing away. 

"I sense a feeling of deja vu... When was it again?" 

While making his little monolouge, Harith tries to stand up and make an escape, but Dyrroth was stepped his foot, causing the leonin to fall again. The leonin groans in pain, as tears fall in his eyes remembering the past. 

"Do you understand this, leonin? You will never win against me. No matter how many spells you use, which spells you use. You will never defeat the abyss." 

"T-that's wrong! I c-can conceal you!" Harith stutters and starts to panic, his low HP making it difficult for him to move. 

"Hah! Concealing! Look where that got you, weak, puny and very squishy. Face the facts, concealing the abyss is making you weaker every second, isn't it?" 


The demon laughs. "Let me take you to another wor-" 

The demon got interrupted by a transformation spell. Harith immediately knew who's it was. 

"Nana! It's not safe here, r-run!" Harith yells out, as he uses this opportunity to dash out. He was on full on panic mode right now, and starts dashing away. He had seem to forget his surroundings. 

After Dyrroth has transformed back, Dyrroth tries using his first skill on Harith. Luckily, he had activated his shield, so Harith didn't recieve any damage. 

Nana runs back with him, and when he arrives at the base, Nana notices how much in a panicked state he was in. He was clutching his chest, while having short breaths. It hurt Nana to see her new friend like this. 

"Harith." Nana calls out. 

Harith didn't hear her, as he was too lost in thought. He was afraid. He thought the mages managed to control the abyss. He thought those characters wouldn't hurt them outside the match-battlefield. He felt this doom, fear, rage of knowing there's a chance that it will happen again. 

"Harith!" Nana calls out again, this time, Harith manages to hear Nana. He calms down a bit, but not enough to stop the thoughts and flashbacks of the past. 

"N-nana..." Harith mumbles, as he pulls the girl into a hug. "I'm so so sorry." 

Nana doesn't say anything, but lets Harith cry on her shoulder, while hugging him tightly. 

(A/N: i haven never had a panic attack before, so this will probably be inaccurate, please tell me if it is!)

"Please, don't leave me again.." Harith mumbles. Nana starts to wonder what he means by 'again' 

The two continue laying like this, until they heard many signals from their teammates, asking for backup. 

"Well, we can talk about it later. But first, we have a match to win!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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